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chloe abbott ([info]misschloe) wrote,
@ 2008-05-30 23:12:00

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Current mood: blah

[PRIVATE] So it's like. Mostly everyone I know has decided upon a career or what they want to do when they leave Hogwarts. In fifth year I decided that I wanted to become an animal healer, but the test is so freaking hard what if I don't pass I'll look like an enormous idiot and just.

UGH. I just need to breathe, yeah? And buckle down and study but ugh it's so very annoying because whenever I SAY I'm going to buckle down, I end up wasting time and NOT studying and NOT getting good grades and ugh.


Why oh WHY am I worrying about this when there's only, oh, THREE weeks of school left??? I'm smart.

Change of subject for this warded bit! Gryffindor girls are insane. I mean holy fuck, alright, maybe they did get a lot of attention, everyone went crazy after seeing the gossip thing, but Meeeerlin I'd watch my back if I were them. [/PRIVATE]

It's a Friday night and my only options are: a) study or b) study more. Yuck. I'm scared of the N.E.W.T.s yet I cannot seem to gather enough motivation to actually open my books instead of staring at them. It's kind of bad.

In other news, my hair is short. Like, really short. Kind of like a Severing charm gone wrong. I don't know, I don't knoooow, I got really tired of long hair. And before anyone asks, no, I'm not having some sort of rebellion this time

Also I am very jealous of you lucky lot that are able to make the Hobgoblins show! I was definitely contemplating a plan to sneak out of the castle, attend the show, then sneak back, but it got so complicated that I decided that I must live vicariously through all who are attending. That means YOU, Clara.

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2008-06-04 06:02 am UTC (link)
Nah, like I said, anything you come up with will be perfectly fine by me, hahaha.

I love Japan too! It's very lovely over there. And the language sounds very neat.

Ummmmm yeah, because basically the entrance exam to become an intern is super hard, hopefully I can study lots for it though, haha!

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