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JAMES randall POTTER ([info]misterprongs) wrote,
@ 2010-06-17 17:08:00

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[LILY] I know we just hung up pictures but--- I think it's time to move again. [/LILY]

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2010-06-18 02:50 am UTC (link)
I wonder how he'd feel about that...

Or maybe we wouldn't even have to have him come with us. That house is so big--do you think he'd be opposed to a bit of.. permanent company? And he was an Auror, he would be good to have around just in case something were to---no, just an extra set of hands and eyes to look after Harry would be good

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2010-06-18 02:59 am UTC (link)
That...actually is so obvious of a hiding spot that I think it's an absolutely brilliant place to go. Who would think that we'd go back there? Oh, geez--that would be brilliant.

Plus, there's the muggle part of the village, too! It'd be a lot easier to blend in.

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2010-06-18 03:05 am UTC (link)
It would have to be okay with him first, though. I mean, I don't want to drag your father into this whole mess without his complete agreement.

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2010-06-18 03:09 am UTC (link)
Right, right. But if we're not telling anyone where we are, then we should be a ton safer than we've ever been before. So that's good. This is good! Look, a good thing came from this disaster.

Maybe by Harry's birthday things will be cleared up.

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2010-06-18 03:15 am UTC (link)
Yes, but if suddenly we're very safe after not telling anyone and have no problems then we know the traitor was close and I don't want to think about that possibility

I really hope so.

Should we have your dad over for dinner, then?

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2010-06-18 03:20 am UTC (link)
Yeah! Yeah, I'll owl him!

This is just what we needed, Lily, I can feel it.

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2010-06-18 03:30 am UTC (link)
Things have got to get better sometime, right? Hopefully this is a step in the right direction.

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