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JAMES randall POTTER ([info]misterprongs) wrote,
@ 2010-07-31 13:35:00

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Happy Birthday, Harry James Potter! I shall do this every year until you are old enough to be annoyed by the public announcement of your birthday, so I can then bind them all in an album and show it off to your wife and children, raving about what a wonderful father I am!

:) Love my boy.

And now to go try out the broomstick Uncle Padfoot sent! Weeeee! Galatea is going to LOVE this.

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2010-08-01 07:41 pm UTC (link)
James, I'm warning you...

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2010-08-01 08:42 pm UTC (link)
It's made for infants! Why would they say it's safe for tiny tots and then have it not be? Advertisers don't lie.

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2010-08-03 07:55 am UTC (link)
James, I'm serious! You are not putting him on that thing, he can barely even hold himself up on his own, much less on a broomstick!

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