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Moses Dodderidge ([info]momo) wrote,
@ 2010-08-04 15:20:00

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So I must say I have the best job ever, except when my boss sends me off alone. I had no one to shove in front of me when booby traps went off.

But alas, I'm home finally.  Who missed me?

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2010-08-05 12:48 pm UTC (link)
But its so nice to hear again!

When are we going to lunch? I can't let the starving artist actually starve.

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2010-08-05 12:49 pm UTC (link)
Whaaaaaaaat about today?

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2010-08-05 12:55 pm UTC (link)
Kayyy, where do you want to go?

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2010-08-05 12:59 pm UTC (link)
I dunnooooo!

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2010-08-05 01:07 pm UTC (link)
Woman, why must you make me do all the work?

How about somewhere in Diagon?

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2010-08-05 01:09 pm UTC (link)
Oh geez, do you want to get blown up by death eaters? Morbid morbid joke- Stay out of Diagon! No one goes there unless you have to, anymore!

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2010-08-05 01:24 pm UTC (link)
I go frolicking in ancient cursed tombs on a daily basis, I'm not ----

Well then. Is Hogsmeade still save albeit a bit juvenile?

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2010-08-05 01:26 pm UTC (link)
No because the only place to eat is the Three Broomsticks and my best friend used to own it until she and her family were murdered and I'm never going back there ever and---Wow we have a lot to talk about.

HOW about this Italian place in London! I shall pick you up and you shall pay, I think that is fair.

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2010-08-05 01:34 pm UTC (link)
I suppose that is agreeable.

Over lunch we can also discuss your definition of fair.

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