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A Loaded Tsundere Complex ([info]mei) wrote in [info]moonrise,
Part One
1. Your Middle Name: Marie. I really loathe it though because it was "tradition" for the first-born females in my family to have it. Since my mother signed away her rights to me, I plan on changing it when I changed my first name as well.
2. Age: 22 years old. I feel old when compared to a lot of people on these sites... but it's the year that marks I've been online for more than half my life.
3. Single or Taken: Taken. I've been in love with my boyfriend Gene of two years... maybe three years, I can't quite remember when we made it official. I've been out here physically with him for over a year.
4. Favorite Movie: I have two. The Nightmare Before Christmas has more of a romantic purpose for me, as it is one of the many things I share with Gene. Every year, we go out to watch it together. The other is Reservoir Dogs.
5. Favorite Song or Album: Currently it is "Through the Fire & Flames" by Dragonforce. Of all time, it's "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls.
6. Favorite Band/Artist: Currently it's Coheed & Cambria. Of all time, hm. That's a hard one really. I may have to say either Rise Against or the Dropkick Murphys.
7. Dirty or Clean: Clean! My home has to be clean. My purse has to be clean. My body has to be clean. I took four showers yesterday after doing some house work (mostly cause I live in the desert and it's hot).
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: I have my ears pierced. I want to get my upper ear pierced just because it sticks out like elven ears (Born that way >< ), but every time we try it, they get infected. It's just a very difficult spot to pierce and moreso due to the shape of my ears.
9. Do we know each other outside of Scribbld?: I don't think so. Unless we met on another site like InsaneJournal or LiveJournal.. ^^
10. What's your philosophy on life?: "There was a caveman did some amazing thing,
but nobody here gives a fuck.
And in a thousand years they'll feel the same,
towards all the things you've done.", from the song "Flowers are Pretty" by The Vandals.
11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty?: Depends on the situation. I try my best to keep it half-full.
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?: Probably.
13. What is your favorite memory of us?: Not applicable since we just met ^^;
14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?: Caffiene.
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I am ambidextrous in a hardcore sense. If my right hand hurts from writing, I'll switch to my left and continue on. I think the funnest thing to impress people with is playing shooters in arcades and using both of my hands excellently. Like a real life Lara Croft :p
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the "world peace, etc." malarkey) - what are they: Money - because this world needs a ton of it and no matter what I do, I can't make enough. Better teeth - my teeth were screwed over by cheap dentists in foster care and thus, I have really bad teeth. I hate it. The third would be the ability to close off my emotions. Life would be easier if I could just flip my feelings off every once in a while.
17. Can we get together and make a cake?: As long as there are instructions on the box, anything is possible.
18. Which country is your spiritual home?: I don't want to say the United States, but it is all I've ever known.
19. What is your big weakness?: Empathy.

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