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not your puppet girl anymore ([info]luvotomy) wrote in [info]moonrise,
01. Elizabeth... one of the most common middle names ever. XD;
02. 19.
03. Single.
04. Om Shanti Om.
05. That's a tough one. :| I'm really particular to Nobuchika Eri's first album, and Monkey Majik's "Sora wa Maru de" album.
06. Also a tough one... but I'll go ahead and say Amuro Namie.
07. Clean!
08. I have both my ears pierced, and I plan on getting a tattoo eventually. It's going to be of a chocobo. ^^;
09. Unless you count other journaling sites, not really.
10. Just live each day as best as you can.
11. It depends on the day... but usually, half=full.
12. Most likely... I think we do that with everyone. ^^
13. I can't really think of one, since we haven't really talked that much. Sorry~
14. Caffeine and video games. :D
15. I collect socks.
16. To have someone that loves me back (cheesy, I know :|), to have enough money to support me on my own, and, um... to not live in Kansas.
17. That would be fantastic.
18. England. I've been there once and I really felt so at home there. I'd love to go back.
19. Depends on what you mean. If you mean of character - that I'm lazy.
20. Definitely.
21. I was really good at algebra (geometry not so much...). My favorite subject was Writers' Workshop.
22. Random, but I had a southern accent when I was little. It slips out when I'm really tired, talking fast, or sometimes yelling. But other than that my "accent" is pretty neutral, since I live in the midwest.
23. I wouldn't change anything. The way you are makes you, well, you!
24. Shorts and a shirt, unless it's cold. Then it's pajama pants and a shirt.
25. Pants, usually. I don't think I look very good in skirts, so... ^^;
26. Neither. I hate the smell of smoke, and I don't plan on drinking until I'm of age.
27. Explore China with you! Because you seem to like it a lot, and your enthusiasm has me interested.
28. Maybe in a few days. I do memes like all the time, so I might wait a few days before posting another one. =]

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