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[Feb. 8th, 2008|06:18 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]nevermore
2008-02-09 02:18 pm (UTC)


Should you feel the need to delete your journal and move to IJ. I'm over there @ thepganmistrss. I'm sorry I don't comment much or keep up to date in my own journal. I've been going through alot the last few weeks and its hard to type out something meaningful when you have a 5 month old squirming in your lap.

I agree though, the 5 icons are pretty stupid. Especially when as an early adopter you get something like 150.
[User Picture]From: [info]nalastormhunter
2008-02-10 06:44 am (UTC)


I totally understand the five month old squirming in lap syndrome. I have a case of eight and a half month old in my lap most of the time, and trying to pass College algebra at the same time. Makes life interesting.

I already have an IJ. My RP group moved over when GJ started sinking, so I moved my personal journal there as well. i'll be sure to add you. My IJ there is fading_xhopex.