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Lindsey Majors

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"Showdown at the Center of the Earth!" [02 Nov 2010|09:38pm]


Showdown at the Center of the Earth! )


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[27 Oct 2010|09:31pm]
When she'd had her car accident--a collision with a truck that had clearly been transporting something rather dangerous--the world had been allowed to believe that Lindsey Majors had died, that the explosion had been so great that it had reduced what little there had been left of her to a state of quickly crumbled ash.  As far as her husband and children had been concerned, there hadn't even been a body to bury.

In truth, there had been just enough left to preserve.  A brain, lungs, a heart, and a bit of spinal column.  Those had been dipped in a nanite-solution, which had been programed to form a robotic overlaying, and over that a pseduo-flesh shell to contain that.  The result had been something which had looked human at cursory glance, but when studied for any length of time looked more like a mannequin or doll.  She often wondered just why the Project and the Chief had chosen to save her life, and wondered further just why they'd gone to such strange lengths to do it.

She preferred not to dwell on such things.  They continued to promise to clone her a real body, but apparently the nature of the chemical damage to her remaining body parts made extracting any useful DNA difficult.  But they continued to work.

What amazed her, however, was what had survived the explosion and fire that had all but destroyed her body: her wedding ring. 

She room was sparsely furnished, minimal even.  There was her recharge cubicle, a small computer terminal, a closet, and a dresser.  She didn't really go out, so her wardrobe was sparse, and her needs as far as resting and sleeping her minimal. 

She'd pulled pictures of her children from her husband's Facebook page and printed them.  Those dominated every available surface, along with pictures of herself and her husband that had been on there, including a cherished picture from when they had still been in high school.  Her, the head cheerleader, he the quarterback of the football team.

They had been so happy.  Their children, Steve and Jaime, had been beautiful.

She could toss tanks around like they were nothing, but her wedding ring felt heavy in her hand.  She couldn't bring herself to slip in on her finger, couldn't bear to unite the past that had been with the reality that dominated her present.

Would Austin remarry?  Would some other woman share what had been their bed with him? Would her children call this hypothetical other woman their mother?  Would Jaime even remember her?

Better they thought she was gone and dead than to have a monster, a freak, for a mother.   Not when she couldn't feel the warmth of one of her children's kisses, or her husband's hands on her skin...

She couldn't even cry for herself.
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More Plots... of Doom! [27 Oct 2010|09:09pm]


The Dance With the Devil! )





The Prophets of Doom! )


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Vengeance of the Immortal Villain! [24 Oct 2010|09:54pm]

Vengeance of the Immortal Villain!


1)      While the Project directors review the feasibility of continuing to use the Doom Patrol as their field operatives after more public exposure than they had originally counted on, the DP are officially put on leave.  They head into neighboring Metropolis to try and enjoy some “time off”


2)      Space for social scenes with the DP, reconnecting with normal people/getting a chance to be normal… ish, for a little while.


3)      While the DP is away, the Project is attacked by General Immortus and his soldiers.  Caulder is captured and kidnapped.


4)      Cadmus recalls the DP, informs them of the situation, and introduces them to their new handler, with a new mission, which is not to rescue Caulder, though Cadmus does know where he is.


5)      The DP rebels against this, high jacks a vehicle, and goes to rescue him, threatening the information out of their new handler.


6)      DP storms Immortus’s castle, briefly managing to overhear some possibly incriminating conversation between Immortus and Caulder.


7)      DP fight Immortus’s soldiers and win, taking Caulder back.


8)      Later, Caulder kills the Cadmus section director who authorized his non-rescue.  He tells the others to let that serve as a warning and to remember that they are expendable.  He is not.

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The Brotherhood of Evil! [23 Oct 2010|03:57pm]
Formed by the criminal mastermind known as the Think Tank, the Brotherhood of Evil is dedicated to world domination.  However, Think Tank seems to have a special hatred for Niles Caulder and anything he might have his hands in... including the new Doom Patrol.

Think Tank
pb--caroline chikezie

The offshoot of one of Brain's experiments in cloning, via experimenting with gender in hopes of producing a viable body, Subject 365 did indeed replicate Brain's vast intellect, cunning, and ruthlessness, but was also gifted with the ability to retard or accelerate the mental processes of those within a close proximity. Using this ability allowed the subject to escape termination or body co-opting by Brain and Mallah, and the subject sabotaged all records of it's creation when exiting the facility.
Think Tank, for the most part, resembles an attractive young woman in her late teens to early twenties, save for an enlarged upper skull, partially encapsulated in reinforced glass for protection of her exposed brain. Operating under a variety of aliases, she moved through several corporations, increasing productivity during her times with them, and amassing a very significant mount of capital.
Lacking the typical megalomania of most would-be world conquerors, Think Tank genuinly believes she can improve the efficiency of the world economy. Rather than attempt an outright all-consuming takeover, she instead plans to dominate one or more small countries first, and overhauling their economies. Drawing upon her experience with corporations, she plans to take over nations in much the same fashion, by proving she can do it better.
However, a holdover from the cloning process, she possesses a pathological hatred of Niles Caulder and anyone he gathers near him. Attempting to destroy them also provides a good 'noisy' cover for more subtle takeover operations.

The Cyber-Simian

A robotic monkey constructed by Think Tank, the Cyber-Simian, sometimes just called "Sim," is the ultimate sycophantic henchman, believing Think Tank capable of doing no wrong, always agreeing with the plans, and generally offering all manner of unsolicited praise.  He threatens the other members of the Brotherhood constantly with ratting out anything they do to Think Tank.

As a robotic monkey, the Cyber-Simian is filled to the brim with weaponry, incredible strength, extendable limbs and the ability to convert to a variety of forms

Madame Gemini
Gemini de Mille is the alleged daughter of Madame Rouge, supposedly born during a period when Rouge had reformed.  Since it was known that Rouge was in love with Niles Caulder at that time, it has long been suspected that he is, in fact, her father.  Gemini first appeared battling Gar Logan for causing the death of her mother, and later appeared alongside the Brain and Mallah in an incarnation of the Brotherhood.  Her specific purpose in joining this new Brotherhood of Evil is unknown.

Gemini possesses the ability to stretch her limbs and body to undetermined lengths and can alter her features so as to disguise herself as anyone.


pb--Yvonne Craig

Garguaxia is the daughter of Garguax, the exiled leader of an alien world and former foe the original Doom Patrol.  Exiled to Earth by her own people for her cruelty, she has determined to do what her father could not and conquer the pitiful humans once and for all.  She plans on betraying the other Brotherhood the second the world is theirs.

Garguaxia possesses nothing that could be called super-human abilities, but is a master of alien technologies of various purposes, including an army of plastic androids.

The Everything Man

Doctor Alvin Draper was a scientist in the study of morphic fields.  When an experiment of his went horribly, horribly wrong, he was transformed into an elemental monster and went on a rampage, reveling in his newfound power.  He battled and successfully defeated the Doom Patrol, until Caulder developed a way to counter his abilities.  Though Cadmus intended to take custody of him, he was freed by the new Brotherhood of Evil.

The Everything Man possesses the ability to transform himself into literally anything and everything he can imagine.

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Plots [21 Oct 2010|08:43pm]


Mystery of the Mine! )





What do you do... when Everything is against you?! )






It came from Lab 13! )






Brotherhood... thy name is Evil! )


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Project Cadmus [20 Oct 2010|07:09pm]
Project Cadmus is a research facility whose primary base is located on the outskirts of Metropolis.  Founded by the former Newsboy Legion for the express purpose of returning their beloved guardian, Jim Harper, also known as the Guardian, the Project was briefly exploited by Darkseid and corrupt former director Dabney Donovan, and created another of "clones" with genetically altered DNA called DNAliens.

The next major Project director was Paul Westfield, who maintained an antagonistic relationship at best with the cloned Guardian (who had become head of security) and the cloned Newsboy Legion.  Following the death of Superman, it was Westfield who spear-headed an initiative to clone Superman, which resulted in the young Superboy.  Westfield later claimed to have been the genetic donor for much of Superboy's DNA, but this was later proven to be false information.

During a period of extreme distrust of super-heroes, the Project was nationalized by the government and went to war with the Justice League, creating, among other things, a clone of Supergirl.  Several important Project figures, many of whom were friends of Superman, quit during this period.  During this time the hero known as the Question was captured while investigating the Project and tortured by Doctor Moon.  After the end of the conflict with the League, the Project was disbanded for a time.

At some point after this, the Project was again acquired by private investors, including Niles Caulder.  It continues to be a scientific think tank, pushing the boundaries of science and genetics with the stated purpose of improving the world for everyone and is the go-to organization for investigating scientific phenomena. 

Three individuals, each the victim of a tragic accident and each helped in some way by the Project, have become the Project's new field team, also known as the Doom Patrol.  They are advised by Niles Caulder.

Cadmus staff inlcudes... )
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Doomed from the Start [17 Oct 2010|10:10pm]
There wasn't a day that went by that Lindsey didn't feel like crying.  But she couldn't.  She no longer had any tear ducts.  All she had was a brain, some bits of spine, and a few other internal organs.  The rest of her body was wholly artificial; she didn't claim to understand the process at all, something to do with nanobot clusters and other things that made her head hurt.  She had a journalism degree, not a science one.

The upshot of it was she looked like someone had made a Barbie-doll out of her.  Maybe pretty to look at at first, but clearly not real.  The Cadmus people alleged that they had saved her life with this process.

They should have let her die.  Her family, her husband, her children, thought she was dead.  And in this monstrous, misshapen half-life, she had no right to tell them otherwise.  Project Cadmus promised one day they could make her human again.  She clung to that tantalizing thought like a life preserver.  She would see her children again some day.  She would go back to being a wife and mother.

She wondered what the Project administrators wanted with her.  They'd asked that she go to one of the private offices.  It was sparsely decorated, like the person who it belonged to rarely used it, though she did spot several candy bar wrappers in the wastebasket.

Food.  She remembered it, even if she had no sense of taste any more.  Or smell.  Or touch. 

What could they possibly want?

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"He Who Fights Monsters" [17 Oct 2010|10:09pm]

“He Who Fights Monsters”


1)      For many years, Cadmus has been producing DNAliens, creatures made by mixing human DNA with other DNA strands, for the purpose of creating beings with unusual abilities.  Some of these, like Dubbelix, are peaceful and even benevolent.  Others, like Bette Noir, are self-serving creatures.  But others… some of the others are downright evil monsters.  Project Cadmus keeps these imprisoned deep in the bowels of the Project.


2)      One of these DNAliens, a truly terrifying creature named Hexx, escapes from the Project.  This happens sometime in the past, and is only discovered as this plot opens.  This is discovered when during a routine check of his cell, they find the corpse of one of the Project guards.  (The question of how it took this long to notice the guard’s absence may be raised, but will go unanswered).


3)      In the meantime, Hexx takes over a small town in Louisiana, using his psionic powers to force the town into giving in to their baser impulses, essentially removing all of their inhibitions.  Unaware of the connection, the Doom Patrol is dispatched to investigate the phenomena.


4)      The DP have several small encounters with inhibitionless citizens of the town.  They slowly begin falling under the spell themselves.


5)      Monitoring from the Project, the Chief uses Lindsey as a broadcaster, transmitting a frequency wave that cancels out the psionic effect around her.  Giving the DP their sanity back.


6)      The DP are able to find and battle Hexx, who was grown powerful, feeding off the emotions of the townsfolk.


7)      Hexx is defeated.  The DP return him to the Project.


8)      The Chief meets with other Cadmus scientists, who declare it a “successful field test of Hexx.”

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the pitch [15 Oct 2010|11:22pm]
Team of threeoperatives, plus the Chief and other Cadmus staff as NPCs.  Team would already have been formed some time ago off camera, with only now being where we get to see their adventures.

would also need a Cadmus utility journal.

The Pitch

Once upon a time, there were three ordinary people, who endured horrible accidents that left them unable to be a part of conventional society.  Filled with despair, one man drew them together with the promise that there could be something more to their lives again.  That they could help inspire their fellow man and by overcoming their own challenges and sorrows, become something more.  That man was Niles Caulder, the Chief.  The Doom Patrol’s members will be freakish, by any definition.  None of them, because of their looks or abilities, would have a chance at living a normal life.  This job and each other are all they’d have.


What I’d like to do is set up the Doom Patrol as Cadmus field agents, cleaning up messes from Cadmus science projects gone wrong, including DNAliens, various monsters, and other things created by tampering in things man was not meant to know.  Human-shaped black hole, creature that “eats” colors, giant telepathic ants, nac mac feegle-style creatures, etc.  the weirder and more sci-fi/silver-age crazy the better.  They’d also investigate other sci-fi phenomena (to use an old in-game example, they’d be the first ones sent in to deal with the Dark Heart nannites), and battle a new Brotherhood of Evil (with the same old Brain, however)


What the Doom Patrol do not know, is that  the accidents and these accidents were the result of Cadmus experiments orchestrated by the Chief (still Niles Caulder).  The Chief’s exact relationship to Cadmus and its heads, and whether or not he or they is truly in charge, should be left up to question for some time.  What the Doom Patrol will do when it finds this information out, well, that’s up to them.  This constitutes part of the “big idea” of the team, one of two long-running arcs with them.  The other centers even more directly around Cadmus itself, and a secret project that might well bring doom to us all.


The Doom Patrol maintains only the loosest connections to other teams and super-heroes of the rest of the universe.  Borrowing a bit from the Animated universe, Cadmus has a distinct distrust for metahumans, and prefers to use ones they can control.  (They have specific fail-safes to deal with each DP member going rogue)  The DP may encounter the other heroes from time to time, but aren’t on the phone-tree to call when really big cases start going down.  They’re still definitely free to encounter some of the tangential or side bits, but definitely would not need their parts plotted for (and if they would be a good fit, this can be worked out through good communication).

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app [15 Oct 2010|11:20pm]

NextGen Application (Canon and OC)

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Dylan

Email: on-file
AIM (if you have one): likewise
Character Name: Lindsey Majors
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight):  Lindsey appears, to be an attractive woman in her late twenties.  But even this is truly a lie, for there is something decidedly artificial about her… especially her eyes.  The rest of her is also clearly artificial, more like a doll than a person, with visible joins and seams; when working her systems to their fullest, green circuit and gear patterns can be seen underneath her “skin”.
Age: 27
Birthday: February 7
Codename (if using one): Doll-Woman
PB: (If using one.) Zooey Deschanel

Abilities: Lindsey’s body in entirely robotic, and as such offers her great strength (though below Kryptonian levels), durability, and speed.  She can magnetize her feet to scale metal walls, and contains an assortment of small tools (like a buzzsaw and drill) built into her fingertips.  Her vision and hearing are several times greater than that of a human.  Her eyes act as cameras, recording and transmitting everything they see.

Weaknesses and flaws: As a robot, Lidnsey is subject to magnetism and electromagnetic effects, and requires recharging of her power source.  While well protected, the remains of her human body inside the rest of her are a major weak point in endangered.  Her own hatred of her condition often puts her into a deep depression.

Cadmus itself has the ability to remotely deactivate her, though she does not know this.

Character location/Home: Cadmus Labs
Alignment (villain, hero etc): more or less Hero
Team: Doom Patrol
Relatives (living/dead?): Austin Majors (husband, alive), Steve Majors (son, alive), Jamie Majors (daughter, alive)

Backstory: A cheerleader in high school, Lindsey fell in love with and dated the star of the high school football team, Austin Majors.  They continued to date throughout college and married shortly after.  Lindsey became a reporter for the local paper, while Austin started a sporting goods store, that he was able to expand and franchise out after two years.  Along the way, they had two children, Steve and Jamie.

Shortly after her twenty-sixth birthday, Lindsey began covering science-related topics for the paper, occasionally authoring editorials in addition.  Not long after this… she was in a terrible car accident with a Cadmus Labs truck transporting dangerous materials.  Her family was told she had died.  They received a very generous settlement in exchange for not suing and Cadmus being able to deny responsibility for the event.

Lindsey, in fact, did not die.  Instead, she was simply very badly injured.  Most of her skin was burned and many of her organs were otherwise ruined.  What was left was taken by Cadmus and dipped into an experimental nanite solution and used as the core of a mold for a new type of robotic body.  While she was still somewhat recognizable as herself at the end of the process… it was much more like seeing a doll version of herself.  Cadmus promises one day they will prefect the process and return her to normal, but this is far from the truth.

Lidnsey, meanwhile, knows her family thinks she is dead, but cannot bring herself to correct the situation until she feels human enough to be a wife and mother again. 

With nothing else left in her life, the Cadmus director (or is he? She’s never been sure of his title) Niles Caulder, otherwise known as the Chief, has extended the opportunity to her to be a part of the new Doom Patrol, cleaning up other Cadmus messes…

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: I’d like to go with the DP as having already formed sometime off-screen, with just never having been seen in-game.  They’ll have a mission they’ll be going out on for their first plot.
What are you planning to do with this character? I’ve got a long term (for the DP) plot ready to go with the nature and origins of their freakiness (mentioned in the pitch) 
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Slowly rediscovering her humanity, bonding with the other DP members, and, of course, dealing with the massive fallout from the eventual revelations.

Please include a sample post/scene

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