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p s y k e ([info]psyked) wrote,
@ 2014-05-18 21:14:00

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[TRISTAN] Care to tell me why I found a snoring female teammate of yours holed up in our guest house? [/TRISTAN]

[WENDY] EXCUSE ME! Why haven't you been named captain yet, my most amazing and title-worthy best friend?! [/WENDY]

[LIDDIE] HELLO, DARLING! Tell me everything there is to know about what's new, what you're doing, who you're doing, etc. etc.!! [/LIDDIE]

There is simply not enough time in the world to deal with all I have to deal with! All this travel back and forth between here and New York is exhausting! Though, I'm sure my first boutique in the States will be absolutely worth it!

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2014-05-18 11:41 pm UTC (link)
He does, doesn't he?

If only my brother wasn't so disagreeable!

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