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Max Szasz ([info]questionthis) wrote,
@ 2011-03-31 15:03:00

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Lessons not Learned
1. During one of his own investigations Max finds out the Intergang is up to something big but just what he is unable to figure out. The only way it seems to get this information is to get closer to Intergang most likely by infiltration.

2. Deciding to do this Max start working out the plans for this himself. But knows he’s definitely going to need some back up and support for this. Max decided to talk to his Dad about it. Since Charlie has his hands full with Hub City as he and Helena are basicly the only experienced heroes in the city Charlie recommends Max talk to Renee Montoya.

3. Due to her own History with Intergang Renee agree to help him with this taking some time off from being Gotham’s Police Chief to do so. Max then fashions a new identity for him to use why he goes undercover as Franco Asaro one of the last surviving members of the Sicilian Asaro Assassin family figuring that would be good bait in addition to a good cover. He starts to get himself connected to Intergang to slowly figure out what’s going on while Renee helps.

4. About this time the Outsiders would have noticed that they have not seen Q in a while and those that play close attention to the streets and it’s rumor’s while have heard about an Asaro supposedly in town and connections to Intergang. The Team can also start causing trouble for Intergang.

5. Having attracted the good attentions of Cain, he lets Max know that he needs to do something to prove himself to really move up and ask him to kill one of the members of the Outsiders.

6. This leads to a fight between some Intergang members plus Max vs the Outsiders where Max seemingly kills one of the Outsiders though really just slipped them something to make them seem dead and leaves them there.

7. The team starts to realize something is really up especially when their team member recovers from the seeming dead. They may start making some connections with all of this to Max, Q, the Assassin and Intergang but don’t quite get the full picture yet.

8. Cain tells Max that was a job well done but he’s not quite convinced just yet. He then asks Max to do something that a True follower of the Crime Bible would have no trouble with leading to his capture Cain doesn’t kill him yet because he’s curious about all of this and this seems to relate to a prophecy in the crime bible(most likely another Faceless prophecy).

9. When Max fails to check in with Renee. She immediately knows something is up and goes to the Outsiders telling them everything because as she puts it there is no way in hell she’s telling Helena she lost her son.

10. Using the information Renee provides them the Outsiders attack Intergang’s headquarters in Star City. Max uses the confusion to escape and see if he can get any information on what they were planning. He doesn’t get much information but does find out whatever they are planning involves Hub City, Gotham, and Metropolis and It seems to be a bigger operation than even he realized.

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