Within Rafael

memory dumps from a Microsoft Windows® expert

About Me


Male seeking caring young female: Is young, house broken, and has all vaccinations (plus experimental military ones). Can be shock collar trained. Must be picked up.


August 15th, 2008

Play > Work, VBscript sucks #1

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At work, I've been assigned to a project that requires me to wake up in the morning, come into work, work on WSF security scripts, then go home. Did you know VBscript doesn't have a simple fucking ternary operator?

C/C++ Example: raf == 1337 ? yes : no
Shitty VBscript Example: If raf = 1337 Then yes Else no

/slaps VBscript

Thankfully, today I spent most of the day jabbering and laughing my ass off (literally?) with Mac-geek [info]morgan. Despite being a complete opposite, in terms of Fortune 500 company loyalty (Apple vs. Microsoft), she's awesomelicious! Fuck you, it is too a word.

Met up with the How-To Geek for dinner today, had a nice chat about how Chris Pirillo is a moron and how we'll rule the world (one day), if we don't destroy it first with our oil drilling and discarded bubble gum.

Tomorrow will be happy hour day with some folks in the office at the local pool hall. The tables and cue sticks suck majorly there, but it's fun for a while. Note to self: I must remember to get money from the bank as my credit card is acting wonky.
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