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Mat Klausen ([info]ronaldmeyers) wrote,
@ 2012-07-21 19:19:00

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Entry tags:male enhancement, male enhancement supplement

A Comprehensive 100% Natural Male Enhancement Supplement

Your search for a comprehensive male enhancement supplement ends here. Auctus Male Enhancement is not only a comprehensive product, but 100% natural as well. The product uses 18 natural ingredients that have been scientifically formulated and combined. The ingredients have been cultivated from high quality herbs, leaving no doubt about their effectiveness.

These pills can be taken as part of your daily diet. Since they are created as pills, all you need to do is take the recommended dosage with a glass of water. The following are some of the ingredients used in these pills.

Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus Terrestris is a plant that produces certain substances that release a lot of physiological effects in the body. The plant is understood to have properties that increase sexual stamina, desire, libido, and mental strength. Additionally, this ingredient functions to increase testosterone levels in the body.

Lack of testosterone is one of the main problems that cause sexual problems in men. Often increasing the levels of this hormone naturally produces long-term results.

L-Arginine: This ingredient is understood to have strong libido boosting properties. “Natural Viagra,” a sobriquet attributed to L-Arginine is befitting considering it improves overall sexual performance. With regular use, erections are harder, orgasms are more fulfilling, and sex is more passionate.

L-Arginine increases sexual libido and is a natural supplement. This is important to last long in bed. Both consenting partners don’t want sex to be like a brief flash in the pan. An ideal situation for any man is prolonged sexual activity due to increased sexual libido.

Tongkat Ali: Tongkat Ali is an evergreen plant that increases male hormone levels in the body. Additionally, it helps the body increase blood flow to the penis. During sex, the penis is not only harder, but also stronger. Tongkat Ali is an organic male enhancement supplement designed to strengthen the penis.

Lepidium Meyenii: This ingredient is a natural male supplement to regenerate dead cells in the penis. It has more potency to strengthen the penis than Tongkat Ali. The best part is that it helps the penis attain then maintain its natural length. Most men feel their penis could be longer if they attained their full size during erections. Lepidium Meyenii is one such ingredient that provides more blood flow, strength and new cells to achieve this.

Visit www.auctusmaleenhancement.com to learn more about Auctus Male Enhancement.

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