Ruby Montgomery - Two. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18TH [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Two. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18TH [Jan. 26th, 2008|01:12 pm]
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[Hexed against Professors]
And when I leave my journal at the bottom of my bookbag for a little while this community of sorts explodes in a puff of teenaged angst.

I didn't bother to keep up with this all for a reason.

I think the teaching staff is bringing problems upon itself since how could students have a dance without drama, angst and eventually irrational behaviour for which they'd have to find and supervise punishment? Perhaps the teaching staff just happens to be into S&M or something.

[User Picture]From: [info]vaisey
2008-01-27 12:23 am (UTC)


But surely you know how we thrive on teenage angst. Hah, and you do bring up a good point about them having to punish people that break the rules. Maybe they have detention quotas to fill?

I'm rather glad I haven't had detention as of yet this year. It seems like they're giving them left and right.
[User Picture]From: [info]scarletslyth
2008-01-27 12:30 am (UTC)


Detention quotas? Sounds likely.

Well-keep up the good work-- That's good to hear just since it is an utter waste of time and energy for everyone involved.
[User Picture]From: [info]cornerfied
2008-01-27 12:48 am (UTC)


S&M? Kinky.
[User Picture]From: [info]scarletslyth
2008-01-27 01:00 am (UTC)


Kinky indeed. But sad since it's true.
[User Picture]From: [info]samlish
2008-01-27 01:04 am (UTC)

Same hex.


That's so right. But I could live without some of this drama though..
[User Picture]From: [info]scarletslyth
2008-01-27 01:07 am (UTC)

Same hex.


You do happen to contribute a fair amount of--
Of course. It would make the days easier.
[User Picture]From: [info]samlish
2008-01-27 01:13 am (UTC)

Same hex.


But less fun I guess, for some, if the drama is not about them that is.
[User Picture]From: [info]scarletslyth
2008-01-27 01:15 am (UTC)

Re: Same hex.


True, true. It is always fun to be a spectator.
[User Picture]From: [info]deathily
2008-01-27 01:04 am (UTC)


It's the same day after day, really. I'm not sure there's a point in trying to keep up.

That is alarming.
[User Picture]From: [info]scarletslyth
2008-01-27 01:09 am (UTC)

(Link) point exactly. And why bother reading it here when all one really needs to do is to sit within earshot of anyone in the Common Room or Great Hall.

I wouldn't say it is completely since it is logical.
[User Picture]From: [info]melanie
2008-01-27 09:44 am (UTC)


I think it's possible, if everyone focused on having fun instead of starting drama. The staff is just giving us a chance to have some fun, we shouldn't waste it.