Mary Jane's Last Dance

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10/15/08 12:38 am

Ever since I re-watched that South Park episode "Guitar Queer-O", I can't get Kansas' "Carry On My Wayward Son" out of my head. All I can think of is Randy playing it on real guitar and Cartman saying afterwards, "That's gay, Mr. Marsh."

I can't believe my team is one win away from going to the WORLD FUCKING SERIES. I'm cautiously optimistic -- Boston has come back twice against being down 3-1, including last year. However, I think we've got a good chance.

My final thoughts:

Don't pull the thing out unless you plan to bang
Bombs over Baghdad
Don't even bang unless you plan to hit something
Bombs over Baghdad

It sounds so dirty, but whatever. That is all. XD

10/8/08 02:05 am - I have tix and you don't.

Goin' to the first game of the ALCS on Friday -- Rays vs. Red Sox. It has come down to this, a bitter rivalry between two AL East teams that boils down to the league championship. I expect it to be totally nuts. Getting there early so we can can go check out the stingray tank and the baseball museum before the game. :)

Chris' dad will be down here from VA visiting this week, so we got him a ticket as well.

Look for me on teevee guys! Game starts at 8 p.m. I'll be in the nosebleeds way down the third base line, more than likely holding a sign (or clutching a hot dog)

10/4/08 03:26 pm


I'm so excited! We're TOTALLY going. We're pretty sure the game's going to be us vs. Red Sox at this point, and our rivalry with the Red Sox has become almost as big as the rivalry between them and the Yankees... so I expect full pandemonium. Maybe someone will get threatened with Tasers again. XD



*breaks out cardboard paper to make signs*

10/3/08 05:09 pm

I feel like belting out Queen. I dunno, Queen just sounds so... celebratory. XD

I know "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions" are the obvious tunes, but... my celebratory tunes have become "Fat Bottomed Girls" and "Don't Stop Me Now"

"We Are The Champions" shall be reserved for the future.

Like anyone cares about me talking about baseball anyway.

I've just about given up on writing because of the state the profession's in. It's become a joke. Writing has become a big fat joke.

Metromix has really turned me off to writing. Maybe it's a phase I'm going through. Maybe I just need to get away for a couple of months. Give me a few packs of good beer, a beach to catch some rays on, a body of water to search for sand dollars and cool-looking shells, the tide to watch go in and out -- and maybe I'll be good. I think Nathalie editing my article to read like a piece of shit really threw my creative streak and inspiration totally off its axis into outer space.

10/2/08 06:59 pm


Also, EVAN LONGORIA and his two home runs <333333

Yes, we won. :D

9/29/08 04:04 pm

Guys, in the immortal words of Han Solo: I've got a bad feeling about this.

I am feeling very nervous about the economy. It looks like it's teetering on the edge of something EXTREMELY UGLY. Banks have failed (and have been subsequently bought, thank whatever for that). Businesses have gone under or have filed for bankruptcy in a short span of time, from giants like Bear Stearns to local companies like once-great Tampa-area seafood chain Shells and our weekly alt-paper. Families across the United States are hurting for money for food to put on the table, pay off their bills, and keep the lights on. Jobs are disappearing.

I'm urging ALL OF YOU TO VOTE THIS NOVEMBER. If you are 18 and over and haven't registered to vote, register today! Granted, we might be too far fucked for the next president to be effective within his term, but IT MATTERS. Imagine the difference if we'd voted Hoover in for another term rather than one of the best presidents in US history, FDR. FDR only saw slow change in his first term, too.

A wrong choice (and not just for President, Congress too!) could spell depression. Let's make our voices heard.

9/27/08 01:39 am


Damn, it feels so fucking good to say that. We are the BEAST of the EAST!

(thanks yankees for making this all possible, beating the red sox)

Tomorrow I'm going to break out all the good beer. :D

9/21/08 01:42 am




This is the first time EVER that we've done this... or had a winning season, for that matter. This is beautiful. This is a beautiful season. I wish I was there, but I was at the game last night during a historic first overturned call by use of instant replay in MLB :D

I'll post those pics when I get new batteries for my camera (my camera died in the fifth inning, right after the historic overturned call)

MAN I'M SO STOKED. If we can clench the division I'll be even more stoked. I'll throw a party in the street, dammit! We deserve it!

9/15/08 08:43 pm

OMFG I THINK KAZMIR (Rays pitcher) BLEW THIS GAME ON PURPOSE. ...and if not, there'd better be something physically wrong with him because WHAT THE FUCK.

Also, a big WTF to Maddon for not pulling him until the damage was WAY TOO DEEP to come back.

I know there's tinfoil hat conspiracy theories floating out there that suggest that MLB itself or another large financial power (gamblers, ala the Black Sox conspiracy?) is buying them out to sacrifice their playoff chances, and I know that's silly as hell, but damned if the moves by Kazmir looked deliberate.

wwwwwwwwwwhaaaaat the fuckkkkkkkkkkkk.

I had to change the channel because I was feeling like hurling something at the TV. :(

9/15/08 03:23 am

Okay okay I have to share this. While browsing through Wikipedia, a pastime of mine while bored, I found this -- a typhoon called Longwang.



Don't believe me? Here's the page.

Huh-huh. Wang.

9/8/08 05:08 am - Open letters to teams, 9/8


Rays: STOP SHITTING THE BED. PLZ. Postseason's, like, right around the corner! It's there! So why did you decide to drop three games against THE FUCKING BLUE JAYS again? I love you, but now's not the time to revert back to your old ways. You've got Boston to play now and you rarely win games at Fenway. :(

Also put Evan Longoria back in. We need that guy more than ever. We need our All-Star rookie third baseman who makes incredible catches and hits well! We need. To stop. The bleeding.

Red Sox: Be a dear and lose for us.

Yankees: Fuck off already.

Blue Jays: Suck it.


Saints: Good job. Your D has proven to have turned itself around from last season in this game. Hope Randal Gay is okay. Thanks for hauling ass in this game, Bush. Keep it up. Keep kicking ass, Saints.


9/8/08 02:55 am

I can't wait to see the full confirmed list of songs for GH:WT. (that's brand spanking new Guitar Hero in layman's speak)

So far, it looks very promising.

Best confirmed songs so far:
Mr. Crowley (Ozzy)
Crazy Train (Ozzy)
L'Via L'Vasquez (The Mars Volta)
Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)
Bullet with Butterfly Wings (Smashing Pumpkins)
The Joker (Steve Miller Band)
No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn (Beastie Boys)
The Wind Cries Mary (Jimi Hendrix)

This is going to kick ass.

Still playing hard, and I'm stuck on the Joe Perry guitar battle in Aerosmith, and Slash in Legends of Rock. I HATE GUITAR BATTLES ARGH. I dread having to play the Devil at the end of LoR; medium was hard enough thanks

9/2/08 05:01 am

Ugh. Currently fighting writer's block and creativity fatigue. I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF WRITING THIS ARTICLE. I wish it would write itself so it would go the fuck away. Maybe I'm going through a period of disillusionment, I dunno, because I don't know what that broad wants anymore, other than shit (and I refuse to write shitty articles).

and spell check isn't your forte either )

In other news, THE RAYS KICK ASS. Here's hoping we can beat down the Skankees in the upcoming series. This road series after the Wankees is going to be telling of their future; they play Toronto, Boston (we haven't won a game at Fenway yet this year, but it's reciprocal; they haven't won a game at the Trop either) and then the Yankees again. If we can win most or all of those series, or even win half of the games, here's looking up to the postseason.

What an amazing story. I've glad I've been a fan. :)

8/27/08 04:17 pm

So, kids, I've decided I'm going back to school next semester. Something tells me I'm not going to be taken seriously until I blow some more money on higher schoolin'.

So this is what I plan to take next semester:
Mathematics for Liberal Arts I
Western Humanities II
Public Speaking

I've pretty much have it all mapped out now.

After that:
Mathematics for Liberal Arts II
World Religions
International Relations (or Introductory Sociology)
Studies in Applied Ethics
Biological Science
Biological Science Lab
Introduction to Environmental Science
And still after that (electives):
Introduction to Web Page Creation
Introduction to Mass Communications
Writing for the Mass Media
The Popular Arts in America
Creative Writing
Introduction to Motion Pictures
Journalistic Writing and Reporting
Digital Photography
and then probably The 20th Century

Woot. I stayed up for a while last night planning that all out. :P

8/26/08 04:07 am - Feelin' kind of like a smarmy jackass.

Smarmy jackass-ism, brought to you by the Print Screen button and Adobe Photoshop CS2.

it was asking for it )

8/25/08 02:36 pm

I would like to pour a 40 in honor of "At The Movies with Ebert and Roeper". Disney didn't like you. You will be sorely missed. :(

And for those of you who saw the Venture Bros. season finale last night, there's another thing I'd like to give some respect to. Here's the shirt, I might get it.

8/25/08 01:23 am - Bullshit calls, brought to you by Budweiser.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have at least an explanation as to why my article was changed into a pile o' Frankensteined crap. The whole ordeal has kind of put me off on writing another review until I can be certain that it won't happen again without my consent or knowledge beforehand.

It kind of makes me want to branch out and start my own local entertainment blog. That way, I could have full editorial control and make sure that all content are quality pieces. Who knows? If I learn enough coding and manage to turn it into a social networking site as well, it could mean BIG BUCKS AND NO WHAMMIES. (idea's mine, but if anybody wants in...)

In other news, today the Rays got gypped out of a win against the White Sox because of a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE call by the umps in the bottom of the tenth inning. Basically, they rewarded cheating. It was a bullshit call, and the announcers on the network I was watching were appalled; they said it was one of the worst decisions they have heard of in the last thirty years.

How come everything good in the world has to be marred by cheaters?


INFJ - "Author". Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1.5% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

50/50 split between intuition and sensing. Last time it was 51/49. Hrm. Maybe I'm... both? ROFL.
Tags: ,

8/23/08 03:39 am

Main Type
Overall Self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

No surprise there.

ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

So I'm an S now, huh? It's not just this time, I've taken it several times with this result. I'm evolving guyz :P

8/22/08 06:25 pm - EPIC FUCKING FAIL #14: Metromix

I am SO FUCKING PISSED right about now. So fucking pissed. My pissed-o-meter is OFF THE FLIPPIN' CHARTS.

Know how I've been posting about having problems with getting my reviews posted? Well, after two weeks, one of them finally did get posted. It looked completely fine last night. I even showed one of my old buddies (whom I haven't spoken to in a while) the article. He said it was one of the most entertaining and overall best reviews he has ever read.

Today, I take another look at the review. THE WHOLE FUCKING THING HAD BEEN CHANGED. It isn't even my article anymore. It looks like a horrible Frankenstein of my article and something that looks like it had been written by someone in junior high. I AM FUCKING FURIOUS. Not only did they change it, but they FAILED ON ALL COUNTS to consult me before these changes were made!

Once again, I'm left in the fucking dark. Not only that, but I've been used. The wool has been pulled over my eyes yet again. Nothing pisses me off more than my hard work being invalidated. I busted ass for hours on that article to make sure everything flowed perfectly. All that FOR NOTHING. All my hard work for NADA. I don't even want my name associated with that article anymore.

And this is one of many reasons why I rarely trust a soul.

I have arrived and this time you should believe the hype. I listened to everyone now I know that everyone was right. I'll be there for you as long as it works for me. I play a game, it's called insincerity. -- Nine Inch Nails, "Starfuckers, Inc."

8/22/08 04:46 am

Have any of you guys tried this thingie before? Hah, I can't get enough of it. If you're one that likes to keep catalogue of everything (I am), it may be for you. I keep adding stuff to the dining section of it.

Sometimes I wish I was back in the central VA/northern VA/DC area again. The job market for people in my field is as dry as an old whore's vajayjay. Up in that area, it's like a boom. Gurf. I might be stuck doing retail again for a while :(

That storm didn't do squat here. SQUAT. It didn't even rain. We just had some cloud cover. And yet the media market here went bonkers. Ooooh, clouds, scaryyyyy. Better call Winnie-The-Pooh, it's a slightly blustery day. We were probably the only area in Florida that didn't get affected by the storm, and yet the media went bonkers, especially the local newspaper. I don't understand why they all have such a hard-on for a hurricane to hit the Bay area. Phhhhbt. Sometimes I wish that once we pack up and move elsewhere (assuming we do), that afterwards a big ol' hurricane would come and hit the Bay area directly so they can all shut up about it. Tampa's got nothing cool to lose, anyway.
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