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Kristin (aka) Butters ([info]snwpnitsirk) wrote,
@ 2008-03-21 02:26:00

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I've given my characters a healthy dose of Veritaserum and now they have to tell the truth. What does this mean for you? Ask my characters questions about anything and everything and they will truthfully answer it.

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2008-03-21 09:20 pm UTC (link)
"HAHA! Gilderoy Lockhart, married? The idea is simply preposterous! No, no, no, I wouldn't marry any of them! Who would I date? Well, let me see here! This is a very difficult question, love! Perhaps Cassiopeia...but all of the men she's been with are old and I'm honestly not sure what's going on with that...but I'm sure she would date someone like myself-...who am I kidding? There is NO ONE as amazing as I am! Haha! But, I know she would date me, were she given the privelege!

Now, would I sleep with? All of them! As long as they don't have angry husbands out to try and hex me in my sleep! Oh, it's happened far too many times in the past, and let me tell you, it is not fun! But the key word is try, you see. No one hexes Gilderoy Lockhart and lives to tell the tale! But, if you're making me choose just one...I'd have to go with that fiesty brunette. Ashlyn, is it? I believe she tried to picket a book signing of mine once! I'm sure I could get her to change her mind about me soon enough after she's seen that I am so much more than just a pretty face with an award winning smile and several best selling books about my brave and noble accomplishments! Haha!"

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