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11:44pm 08/01/2008

If I hear just one more tool talk to me about how "sweet" and "emotional" Hillary Clinton was on TV, I swear to god, I'm going to strangle them for sheer stupidity. The whole thing was a goddamn set-up, and you'd have to be some kind of retarded not to see that.

And even if it wasn't, do you really want someone in office who's going to break down and cry like a little girl when things get tough? I sure as hell don't. Hillary Clinton can lick my balls.

Okay, now that I got that out of the way... my family's making me pissy again.

There's a lot of tension in our house right now. My dad's in charge of the Registrar of Voters in Riverside, and its an election year. It sucks all to hell because he's so stressed out over it, and he brings it home. It's totally not his fault, but you know... you can totally feel the tension.

So Christina and mom were arguing about some stupid shit and dad got in the middle of it and now everyone's upset. And I ought to just keep my damn mouth shut, because when I went in to try and defuse them, I got drawn into it.

Whatever. Next time, they can work out their own issues on their own, and I'm going to just go back to sleep.

I just feel bad because dad doesn't really need this right now, and well... he told us as much. It was pretty bad. But, what are you going to do?

Like I said, next time, keeping my damn mouth shut.

mood: crappy crappy
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