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Skinny jeans are a rockstar requirement ([info]stubbywubby) wrote,
@ 2008-11-13 20:48:00

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Stop owling me nude pictures of you in the bath. Though these beauties are definitely ones to be admired, I cannot fully concentrate on writing my music. All I keep on wanting to do it put 'bubbles between your hair legs' in the lyrics, but my cat said it isn't a line that would ever fit a ballad. You're effectively clogging the flow of creative juices in my plumbing of awesome with this brand of pornography. I ask that you cease this gentle torture at once, and send them to Waldo instead. I do believe he'd have much better use for them, if you know what I mean. Wink wink.




You, on the other hand, owe me a visit.
Come over at once. My cat just pooped.




I'm looking forward to meeting you on the date you had set.
Shall I bring anything for you?



As for the rest of this beautiful world, how are things?
I do believe I have been missing a whole lot. Again. Let me catch up. :)

Oh, and I'm going to a gig tonight.
My house will be emtpy in case anyone needs me. Just saying!

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