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l o u i s ([info]superbad) wrote,
@ 2013-06-27 23:10:00

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Well, I have joined the working force! Who knows how long my wandering mind will be able to manage, but to pay the rent, I believe I shall be able to persevere.

Interning in the Department of International Magical Cooperation should prove interesting, yes?

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2013-06-28 01:04 am UTC (link)
I think I've set my sights on one day becoming an ambassador, but as of right now? Oh, fetching tea and lunch orders.

I think you'd find it quite alarming the amount of crumpets my superiors go through in a day.

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2013-06-29 12:55 am UTC (link)
So one could say you're the... Crumpet Ambassador?

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2013-06-29 01:01 am UTC (link)
Ha! Maybe there is a method to their madness!

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2013-06-29 01:18 am UTC (link)
Soon there will be a Minister of Tea and you'll really need to jump up game.

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