August 23rd, 2008

08:02 pm - It's a Barber Shop, It's a Gun Barn, it's...
Early last week, Angeal and me went to Frankenmuth to have lunch.

On the way to the restaurant we pass quite a few small towns. One town, Otisville, had us with our jaws hanging down with their Gun Barn/Barber Shop. That's right folks, you can get your hair cut then browse for guns! That way, when hunting season comes around you can look your best!!

We also went through another town that showcased a big semi-trailer that said (in pink letters) BIG DICK. It was parked in a lot next to a store that had trash bags masking the windows with no trespassing signs all over the place. This prompted much laughter and the slight wish that we had carried the camera with us.

Why do we always get the "special" outings?

I wasn't actually going to say anything about this...but on television tonight, there was an ad for The Gun Barn/Barber Shop (they have over 3000 guns!). Still special...


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