August 25th, 2008

12:46 pm
For anyone that is not posting at IJ any longer - could you let us know?  We would like to clean up our friends list a bit and don't see the point of keeping you on the list if you never post or comment here. And let us know what you go by on the other services.  With so many new usernames out there, we are getting confused a bit as to who is who.

Also, if you feel you would like to part ways, let us know that as well.  We are offering you a good out. Comments are screened for this reason.

Today is massive laundry day.  Have quite a few blankets to do as well as the clothing, so I will probably be trapped at the laundromat for a while.  Not that I mind, but I will probably have to find a book to read.

I will get to friends list and all comments later today or early tomorrow.

Still have prompts to get posted too.

We are having the spinning thoughts and feelings of being overwhelmed again.  It's not a logical thing, but it is there.  It started last night in the store while getting school supplies and carried through to the grocery market and then home.  It is still with me this afternoon.

We're going to be posting here every time that we have those feelings to see if there is a cycle or a pattern to them. 

We're also having hip issues.  That is just a case of insult to injury and can stop any time as far as I am concerned.

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