August 28th, 2008

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09:29 am - School
Currently I am in the library of University waiting for my first class to start at 11 am.

I really need to bring a camera with me and take some pictures. Even though the campus is in the middle of the downtown area, you would never think so.  There is the river running parallel with the buildings, scores of trees and all kinds of park-like areas to rest in.

It is so beautiful.

This library is three floors - so you all know that I am in heaven, right?  ^_^

It's raining right now - well, not so much raining as a light drizzle - but it is supposed to clear off later.  It did give me a chance to test my shiny new umbrella that Genesis and Angeal pick out for me.  ^_^

I really can't wait to get started in class. The first one is the Physical Geography.  When we were here for new students welcome day, I got a chance to find my classes and peek through the closed doors.  That class is in a huge lecture hall sort of like an auditorium and contains a large screen for a projector.  I am so curious about the syllabus and how the subject will be taught.

Archeaology will be our geek class, so you can say that several people are looking forward to that one. That's in a smaller room with just tables, but the room seemed well decorated and very cozy from what I saw on Tuesday.  

Hopefully, this weekend (based on what is taught today) I will be able to set the teams up so that we have set people for set subject and are able to shadow each other.  Today, I have a whole slew of people hanging out around the front waiting to see if they would even be interested in the subject matter.  We'll have to see how this goes.  ^_^

So, here I am at University.  Did you think I would even make it this far when I first talked about doing this?  Can you really believe that I am here?

And you know what?  I am having one of the times of my life.  ^_^

Hope you are all having a good day.  I will read you and comment tonight or tomorrow. ^_^ 
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