September 2nd, 2008

01:17 pm - Feeling a bit under the weather and under pressure
I have just finished my GEO 150 class for the day, spoke with The Wers on the phone and had my apple lunch.  Over all the day is going very well, except for one thing.

I am feeling a bit under the weather.  The body has a bit of a stomach upset that could be due to the menstruation - or not.  Genesis was complaining of it yesterday and it stayed with us to appear this morning for me.  The reason that I don't think it is from menstruation (besides the fact that the monthly has been very good to us this month!) is because Genesis the Being sweated out our side of the bed by the middle of the night.  He actually woke up to use the bathroom and had to rinse off the sweat.  Soaking wet type of sweat.

And no, it wasn't from being under too many sheets as he had kicked all the sheets off sometime in the night and we had the air conditioning plus a fan on us.

But, I went to school anyway.

1. I enjoy my time here.
2. I love my classes so far.
3. If I missed the GEO 150 lecture, the previous reading would have made no sense whatsoever to me.  I was able to get some questions answered and things were put into perspective.

I was iffy this morning whether I would've stayed for the Archaeology class, but I have decided to stick it out.  I think I will be okay, but I am going to take it relatively easy this evening in case I am coming down with something.  I certainly don't want to get sick now.  I am on a roll and Japanese class is tomorrow.

As far as school is concerned, I am feeling a little pressure to get everything done in a timely manner.  Unfortunately, some of that is because we have an issue with reading comprehension.  Some of us are very slow readers and have to sometimes read a sentence to or three times to grasp the meaning.  Some of it is because the subject matter triggers mind wander and even though we are reading, we don't retain what we read very well.

If anyone that has been through college or University before can give us any structural study tips - I could probably use them.  We have three subjects split into four classes and I am also looking a joining a couple clubs that would be beneficial to the field I am eventually looking into. Time management may be an issue here.

Figure into the game our multiplicity and the fact that everyone wants time out for various other things plus housework, time with The Wers, and and....well you get the point.  I am sure it will get better as the term progresses, but we need to start developing some kind of routine. Any thoughts? (Thank you in advance!)

Oh, I will try to bring the camera with me on Thursday and take pictures of the campus!  

And now to get to some homework and reading while I am stuck in the library (yes, you know I like it) and free up the computer for someone else that needs it.  Archaeology begins at 2:30p!
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