September 8th, 2008

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05:39 pm - I'm Tired
I am tired.  I have a mountain of reading homework that I am never going to catch up on, inworld things I have to take care of, a little brother who is pouting because he doesn't have an episode of the Middleman on TV tonight.

There is a pulled muscle in our neck that hurts to high heaven and an off and on muscle ache in our right thigh that makes want to cry.

My eyes are hot and dry, my head is full of so much stuff that I really don't know how to turn it off and it is raining.

I know it is early in the week, but can I have a do-over?

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[User Picture]
Date:September 8th, 2008 11:13 pm (UTC)
Rest and snuggle with loved ones. :) You're doing a wonderful job! Hugs.
teamromy - I'm Tired

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