August 29th, 2008

01:27 pm - You're probably tired of hearing about school by now...
Yes, well, we are just all so excited about it!!

Today, Genesis worked on our philosophy dialogue for the online forum.  For that class you basically have to make one post that answers a given question and then reply to two other people on the board (to spur discussion). 

Is it any surprise that Genesis is good at this class already?  His answer was a lot longer than a lot of the other posts, with pages and quotes cited.  Then he included his thoughts on the reading material as well.  We are really going to have to keep him under those 250 words for the mini-essay or else have someone else write it.  ^_^

Yesterday was a wonderful day at school, as I am sure that you gathered by Yazuu's TWO posts about it!  What he didn't tell you is that he offered to come in on his time between classes and catalog the Anthropology library. The professor is going to hit him up next week for a date and time to do it.  ^_^ 

Due to all the reading homework we have to do this weekend though, I don't know how many comments we will be able to respond to.  Those may have to wait for time over the weekend somewhere.  We'll get things sorted out though.

Speaking of sorted out, we have out course teams:

For Philosophy: Genesis, Tenpou, Wu Fei (with Stormie and Jake shadowing)
For Physical Geography: Yazuu, Maxwell, Haru, Yuki (with Melannon shadowing)
For Archaeology: Yazuu, Braden, Kei, Remus (with Ravenne and Drueggar shadowing)
For Japanese: Angora (ME!) and Kiyoshi

They are subject to change, but they seem pretty solid.

Anyway, the rest of the day is going to be taken up with more homework and a shower.  Then it will be sleeping for work, working and more sleeping.  Chloe is working tonight as it is Zack's birthday and he has the night off. Somewhere in there we will find time to eat. ^_^

Have a good day everyone, okay? ^_^

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