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Annamarie ([info]thebelletolls) wrote,
@ 2013-07-25 01:04:00

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Momma was talking to the Tall Lady.

Momma was talking to the Tall Lady because she wanted Annamarie gone.

Momma was talking to the Tall Lady to make sure Annamarie would be safe.

Momma couldn't look at her anymore. Momma loved her very much, but she was in pain, too.

The copper and silver thoughts wrapped loosely around each other.

It hadn't been like this the first time, on the riverbank. The confused, impetuous thoughts of Cody Arnold Frederick had shot through her head like streaks of white on a lousy TV screen.

But Irene Adler had not been an impetuous person. And she had not been taken by surprise.

Annamarie sure had. And still was, as she kicked her feet a little, sitting on the stool outside the room

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2013-07-28 10:57 pm UTC (link)
That's obviously taken as an 'understood'. "Wonderful." There's a message or alert that comes on her phone and she takes it out to check. "I have things to see to but I'm sure you two are more than capable of exploring the place on your own. Mental shout if you need me darlings." And the impeccably dressed headmistress will turn and walk back to the building, still that confident model walk like always.

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