Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Advent #1: The Doctor's Angels

Title: The Doctor's Angels
Fandom: Doctor Who
Spoilers: None to speak of.
Characters: The Brig, Sergeant Benton, and by mention the Doctor, Liz, Jo and Sarah Jane.
Rating: G

"The Doctor's angels," the Brigadier remarked, watching through the window as the Doctor tried to hug all three of them simultaneously, with a remarkable amount of success.

Benton, beside him, blinked, and stared, and tried not to comment.

After a moment of this, the Brigadier asked in an irritated tone, "What? You haven't seen Charlie's Angels?"

"I've seen Charlie's Angels," Benton replied, and searched for a diplomatic way of putting it. Finding none, he continued, "I'm just trying to wrap my head around the notion of you having seen Charlie's Angels. Sir."

The Brigadier harrumphed, and proceeded to ignore him.
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Thursday, November 20th, 2008


My only explanation for this is that I am wicked sick and just as tired and therefore I think it is funny.
Suggestions for where else to post this and telling me fail y/n would be awesome.

Doctor Who macrospam of doom )
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Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

Ship meme! Comments are love.

1. List your top seven ships
2. Put all of them in order of your love for them; 7 to 1, 1 being your favorite.
3. Name their fandom.
4. Supply photos for said people.

These are really in no particular order: I ship them all about equally. AKA, like burning )
And, of course, the traditional Super Secret Really Really Really Embarrassing Slash Ship below the cut. )
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Thursday, August 7th, 2008

A Quest For Great Justice

My friends, I am on a Quest. And it is this.
To watch every single episode of Doctor Who ever. In order. )

And after that, the audios!
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Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

Fanmix: an unearthly man

Medium: Television
Fandom: Doctor Who
Subject: The Doctor
Title: an unearthly man
Warnings: Nothing more serious than Doctor/TARDIS shipping and a very strange sense of humor.
Notes: Fourteen songs for the Doctor, and a bonus that I simply couldn’t resist. No specific Doctor intended. Explication, pictures and zip behind the cut.

an unearthly man )
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Saturday, July 5th, 2008

Journey's End Reaction Post

Wow. Just... wow. Rusty is forgiven LoTTL.

Here thar be spoilers. )
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Fic: The Dalek Invasion of Discworld

Title: The Dalek Invasion of Discworld
Author: TigerKat24
Rating: PG-13 for some swearing.
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin. Beta'd by the lovely Priscellie.
Disclaimer: I own neither Daleks nor Discworld.

The Dalek Invasion of Discworld )
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Sunday, June 22nd, 2008






HOMG this finale is going to be awesome. RTD is going out with a bang.
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Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

Fanmix: In Your Keeping

Medium: TV
Fandom: Doctor Who
Subject: Ian and Barbara
Title: In Your Keeping
Notes: Okay, guys, I see all the New Who soundtracks, and I realize that there is no Old Skool love, so I have provided the love. Comments v. v. much appreciated; share the love for this oldest and probably most rock-solid of the OTPs. Cover art, explication, zip and bonus ficlet behind the cut. I am happy to upload individual songs when asked.

In Your Keeping )
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Friday, April 25th, 2008

FIC: Ten Times Trouble (2/2)

Title: Ten Times Trouble (2/2)
Author: tigerkat24
Pairings: Ian/Barbara is the only explicit one.
Characters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Ian, Barbara, Jamie, Victoria, Sarah Jane Smith, Romana II, Evelyn Smythe, Ace McShane, Fitz Kriener, Jack Harkness, Donna, numerous OCs, and Ben and Polly mentioned. Yeah.
Rating: PG-13 for Captain Jack (and to some extent Fitz).
Spoilers: Nothing specific, a lot of general ones, but most of them are episodes that were shown for the first time a minimum of nineteen years ago. If there’s a spoiler statute of limitations, I think we’re past it.
Prompt: All ten Doctors show up at Ian and Barbara's wedding, and all of them have very bad timing.
Author's Notes: Wow, this turned into a friggin’ monster. I hope you like it. Two’s line about lacy cravats originated in the finaleclipse community with suitboyskin, so all credit goes to him for graciously allowing me to use it. Also fits in timeline-wise with my story Listening, but reading that is not remotely required.
Bonus: Tell me where the OC names came from and I'll give you a cookie.

Thank God that's over. )
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FIC: Ten Times Trouble (1/2)

Title: Ten Times Trouble (1/2)
Author: tigerkat24
Pairings: Ian/Barbara is the only explicit one.
Characters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Ian, Barbara, Jamie, Victoria, Sarah Jane Smith, Romana II, Evelyn Smythe, Ace McShane, Fitz Kriener, Jack Harkness, Donna, numerous OCs, and Ben and Polly mentioned. Yeah.
Rating: PG-13 for Captain Jack (and to some extent Fitz).
Spoilers: Nothing specific, a lot of general ones, but most of them are episodes that were shown for the first time a minimum of nineteen years ago. If there’s a spoiler statute of limitations, I think we’re past it.
Prompt: All ten Doctors show up at Ian and Barbara's wedding, and all of them have very bad timing.
Author's Notes: Wow, this turned into a friggin’ monster. I hope you like it. Two’s line about lacy cravats originated in the finaleclipse community with suitboyskin, so all credit goes to him for graciously allowing me to use it. Also fits in timeline-wise with my story Listening, but reading that is not remotely required.
Bonus: Tell me where the OC names came from and I'll give you a cookie.

Dedicated to eponymous_rose, who is made of awesome.

The church was empty. )
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Monday, April 14th, 2008

Fanfic therapy.

So, after I got my intarwebs back, I wrote a lot of fanfiction for the Fandom Secrets meme. This usually helps my mood. It certainly did now; I have at least two new ships.
Fics are mostly drabbles or double-drabbles. I've stuck the title on first, then the prompt, then the fic itself.
EDIT: Added two more!

Fics below the cut. Guess my new ships! )
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Saturday, March 29th, 2008

Fic: Listening

Title: Listening
Fandom: Doctor Who
Spoilers: Kinda for The Chase, obliquely for Doomsday.
Rating: PG-13 for some embarrassing conversations (poor John)
Summary: Inspired by a line in biichan’s marvellous fic Together, On This Same Earth,. Referring to a gathering including Barbara, Ian and their son:
“We've all traveled with the Doctor,” Martha explained. “Every one of us here. Well, except for Johnny. Probably.”
No probably about it, Martha. Enjoy!
Edit: This fic would not be as good as it is without my wonderful beta, eponymous_rose, who I should be flogged for forgetting to acknowledge. Go read all her stories too!

Rassilion's shorts, I didn't think Ian had it in him. )
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Friday, March 21st, 2008

Title: The Space Between the Seconds
Fandom: Doctor Who
Spoilers: Minor ones for The Keys of Marinus, but you have to be alert since it's very vague.
Rating: PG
Summary: Another stream-of-consciousness look into Ian's thoughts, this time set during The Keys of Marinus. Clearly I am not yet over my Ian/Barbaraness from the ficathon.

The Space Between the Seconds )
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Thursday, March 20th, 2008

I have absolutely no intention of explaining this.

Title: Doctor Air
Fandom: Doctor Who/Avatar the Last Airbender
Spoilers: None, really. I suppose technically The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, but not really.
Rating: PG
Summary: Doctor Who as it would have aired in the Avatar Universe. As I said, I have absolutely no intention of explaining how I came to write this.

Script Format Ahead )
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Sunday, March 16th, 2008

Fic: Things Unsaid

Title: Things Unsaid
Fandom: Doctor Who
Spoilers: The first season ever, but come on, people, it's been out for forty-four years.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2400~
Summary: Ian and Barbara deal with an accident. Which perhaps wasn't so accidental.
Notes: Written for doyle_sb4 as part of the_chestertons' Ian/Barbara ficathon. She asked for a wedding and some aliens. They're both offscreen (though the aliens are certainly making themselves heard); I hope you enjoy it!
EDIT: Because I'm a moron: beta'd by the ever-wonderful eponymous_rose, who stayed up until a ridiculous hour with me to get it done. <3333333

Things Unsaid )
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Saturday, March 15th, 2008

Fic Rec!

Title: Amor est Vitae Essentia
Author: bibliophile1887
Fandom: Doctor Who, First Doctor
Spoilers: A bit for The Romans, a bit for The Rescue, but come on, these episodes aired in 1965. I doubt they count.
Author's Summary: Written for the_chestertons ficathon for tigerkat24 who asked for UST. I hope this will suffice. The title is Latin for "Love is the essence of life."
Reasoning: Well, it's really, really cute. There is UST and flirtation and not-quite-RST and oh such cuteness. Plus, yanno, Ian and Barbara in love. And it was written for me. It's lovely and you should read it if you are at all familiar with Ian, Barbara, Vicki, One, or any combination of the above.

Amor est Vitae Essentia
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Monday, March 10th, 2008

Snagged from awanderingbard

When you see this, post a little weensy excerpt from as many random works-in-progress as you can find lying around. Who knows? Maybe inspiration will burst forth and do something, um, inspiration-y.

Here's...um...a lot of stories. A lot a lot. Guess the fandom. Also, let me know if any of these intrigue. Some of them are perilously close to being abandoned.
I really need to get some of these finished. )
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Friday, March 7th, 2008

I have a new AHAHAHAHA FAIL example for anyone who claims the Classic Who female companions only screamed and twisted their ankles.
The Web Planet is a Doctor Who serial from the First Doctor's era, with Barbara, Ian and Vicki as companions.
The Doctor ends up drugged along with Vicki. Ian spends most of the serial creeping along underground and finally, finally shows up in the nick of time...
...to watch Barbara save the world. Again.

Also, I am putting together a Harry/Murphy fanmix. Suggestions for songs are appreciated.
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Monday, March 3rd, 2008

I am a geek.
But I did not know how much of a geek I was until I looked at my iTunes and found out that I have eighty-five different versions of the Doctor Who theme music.

I rest my case.

Edit: Oh my God. Eighty-six.
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