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tinwoman ([info]tinwoman) wrote,
@ 2011-10-24 20:37:00

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It had been easy, infiltrating Renaissance's work force.  She could efficiently perform every single job required at the small subsiderary company - but after analysis, she determined the accounting department would be the best and easiest point of entry. She did her job, socialized with her co-workers and settled into an aparment, all for appearance sake - she did not require any such comforts that came with being human, but she did require that who...and what she was..to remain hidden. Of course no one suspected a thing - This wasn't The Sarah Connor Chronicls, after all. And she had a hell of a step up on Summer Glau, if she did say so herself.

Really she just needed enough time to appear to be legitimate - finding a matter that required the attention of her primary directive, CEO Anya Stark. Given how young Renaissance still was as a coproration, the accounting between it and it's parent company, Stark Enterprises was still understandably a mess, accounts and resources easily overlooked and soon as the appropriate amount of time passed (calculated to be 19 days, on the job), she was ready, coffee in hand as she made sure Mrs. Stark was walking through the lobby and heading for the elevator. Increasing her biomentrics to appear flushed and out of breath, she dashed for the elevator a few steps behind.

"Ms Stark! Ms Stark, I'm so sorry to bother you, may I have a word...?" She lowered her voice so no one else could hear. "There's a problem in the accounting department I thought you should be made aware of." Facial expression set to worried with a hint of uncertanty.

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2011-10-25 12:21 am UTC (link)
Anya had been focusing on her handheld and not really paying attention to anything as she walked in the small building in Cambridge that housed the headquarters of Renaissance Technology. She had already been up for a few hours and was trying to sort out the mess that was her calendar.

She heard her name being called and looked up from the small computer screen. "Huh?" She blinked a few times. "Sure. What is it, Miss Halliwell?"

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2011-10-25 12:27 am UTC (link)
She glanced over her shoulder as if she was worried someone might over hear. "Could we perhaps talk in your office? It'll only take a moment...?" She extended the coffee she held in her hand.

"Cream and sugar, I believe?"

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2011-10-25 12:28 am UTC (link)
"You're a godsend," she said and took the offered coffee. "Thank you. We can talk in my office. Something with accounting, correct?"

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2011-10-25 12:34 am UTC (link)
"Yes ma'am..some discrepences." She waited until they were in Anya's office before continuing.

"It's possible that some accounting is being lost in the shuffle...or it's possible that there is embezzeling going on. To be frank Ms Stark, your accounts are in an awful snag, it's almost impossible to tell what's comming and going, and it's affecting the bottom line...by several percentage points if my calculations are correct...one way or another, you're losing a lot of money."

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2011-10-25 12:38 am UTC (link)
"Can I see?" she asked as she held out a hand for the handheld that all employees carried. The coffee was forgotten about for a moment. The handhelds were just a little larger than a credit card, but they were actual computers and not just lite versions.

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2011-10-25 12:41 am UTC (link)
"Of course, just...a moment..." She took a second to pull up the accounts that she had tracked until it became accounting gobbelty-gook, careful not to type to fast before handing it over.

"It's possible this wasn't done intentionally...but if it wasn't it's an expensive mistake.."

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2011-10-25 12:46 am UTC (link)
"Anything's possible," Anya said as she looked at the data. "Goddard, could you please analyze and let me know what you find?" she asked though there was no one else in the room.

"Of course Miss Stark." said a disembodied voice. It wasn't that Anya didn't trust her employees, it was that she always liked to have everything double and triple checked.

"This is exceptional work, Miss Halliwell."

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2011-10-25 12:54 am UTC (link)
"Thank you Ms. Stark. I believe in being meticulous. I know I'm still fairly new here...but I think I can be of service straightening this out - and be discreet should it turn out to be more then an accounting error until you can decide what action you'd like to take."

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2011-10-25 12:59 am UTC (link)
"Your discretion is appreciated, Miss Halliwell, as well as our offer to work on this. I would appreciate it if you would run point on this." Anya's handheld beeped. "Now if I could only get a handle on my daily planner. The thing is a disaster. I'm booked for three meetings today. All at the same time."

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2011-10-25 01:02 am UTC (link)
She laughed softly and extended a hand, "May I..? I've been told I have a talent for finding solutions.."

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2011-10-25 01:05 am UTC (link)
"Sure, give it a go," Anya said and handed both handhelds to her.

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2011-10-25 01:12 am UTC (link)
She took it and fiddled for a moment, sitting down and crossing her legs. "Your hand-held is trying to sync your external, personal schedule with your work schedule but the POP address is wrong....as for lunch..Kent Braddock from HR is always late anyway so you should be able to see him after you meet with Stacy Hendricks at noon...and I would suggest moving your interview with Mark Mehyers from The Times to the event your attending tonight...it doesn't look like you have a plus one yet, and if the bottom half of him matches the picture he has in the paper by his collum, you'll at least have something pleasant to look at. I could make the arrangments if you like..it doesn't look like your secretary is at her desk yet.."

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2011-10-25 01:19 am UTC (link)
Anya sighed. "Finding an assistant is on my To Do list, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to interview anyone."

Anya smiled. "Would you like the position? Executive Assistant to the CEO?"

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2011-10-25 01:23 am UTC (link)
"Ma'am...I'm not sure what to say...Yes, of course, if you think that's where my skills are best able to serve the company...it would be an honor." She increased her facial skin tone by 10% in indicate a flush of excitement. "I'll make those phone calls and begin untangling the accounting snarl then?" She stood up, handing the pad back to her.

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2011-10-25 01:25 am UTC (link)
"Please. Since we're going to be working quite closely together please call me Anya. Miss Stark starts to grate on me after awhile."

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2011-10-25 01:29 am UTC (link)
"Anya then. I look forward to making your life easier." She gave her a smile and extended a hand to shake it. Phase one: Successful.

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2011-10-25 01:32 am UTC (link)
Anya smiled and took the offered hand. She gave it a firm shake. "In the immortal words of Rick Blaine, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

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2012-01-01 11:02 pm UTC (link)
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