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tinwoman ([info]tinwoman) wrote,
@ 2011-10-24 20:37:00

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It had been easy, infiltrating Renaissance's work force.  She could efficiently perform every single job required at the small subsiderary company - but after analysis, she determined the accounting department would be the best and easiest point of entry. She did her job, socialized with her co-workers and settled into an aparment, all for appearance sake - she did not require any such comforts that came with being human, but she did require that who...and what she was..to remain hidden. Of course no one suspected a thing - This wasn't The Sarah Connor Chronicls, after all. And she had a hell of a step up on Summer Glau, if she did say so herself.

Really she just needed enough time to appear to be legitimate - finding a matter that required the attention of her primary directive, CEO Anya Stark. Given how young Renaissance still was as a coproration, the accounting between it and it's parent company, Stark Enterprises was still understandably a mess, accounts and resources easily overlooked and soon as the appropriate amount of time passed (calculated to be 19 days, on the job), she was ready, coffee in hand as she made sure Mrs. Stark was walking through the lobby and heading for the elevator. Increasing her biomentrics to appear flushed and out of breath, she dashed for the elevator a few steps behind.

"Ms Stark! Ms Stark, I'm so sorry to bother you, may I have a word...?" She lowered her voice so no one else could hear. "There's a problem in the accounting department I thought you should be made aware of." Facial expression set to worried with a hint of uncertanty.

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