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Veronica Zeller ([info]veronicas) wrote,
@ 2011-12-20 02:49:00

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You will never guess what happened the other night.

Even I can't believe what happened the other night.

But you have to promise to not say anything to anyone - especially Adam. And that means you can't say anything to Drystan either.




About the other night.

That pizza was delicious.



With all these holiday parties coming up, I'm being pulled in all different directions. I'm barely going to have a second to myself on Christmas Eve. I'm just thankful that Christmas Day will be more mellow, giving me time to actually sit back and relax.

It can't arrive soon enough.

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2011-12-20 06:36 am UTC (link)
Mm, ice cream in the middle of winter, my favorite.

In all seriousness though, I can't say no to frozen treats, no matter what time of the year it may be. And if that's the case, than maybe you ought to get an extra scoop.

Also, jumping from one subject to the next, what are your plans for Christmas?

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2011-12-20 06:37 am UTC (link)
Uh -- well, my family always kind of plans for me to be in the hospital, so I'm not doing anything really concrete.

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2011-12-20 06:46 am UTC (link)
Why does that not surprise me as much as it probably should?

I don't know what Adam or Bess have planned with Drystan and Willow, but I told my parents I would stop by during the day. If you're not in the hospital by the time I leave, maybe I'll drop by?

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2011-12-20 06:47 am UTC (link)

Sounds good to me, as long as you promise me Christmas goodies.

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2011-12-20 06:56 am UTC (link)
Have I ever neglected to bring you something that falls into the category of 'Christmas goodies'?

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2011-12-20 06:57 am UTC (link)
...well, no -- I just wanted to make sure.

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