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Dedalus Diggle ([info]violetto_phat) wrote,
@ 2008-01-17 04:37:00

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Current mood: cynical

[Elphias and Emmeline]

I hate lying to my girlfriend because I can't tell her about the Order and she knows I've been lying and she's mad at me because I can't tell her where I really was and now she thinks I was doing something wrong.

On another note, neither of you better ask me to lie for you ever again because I can't even keep track of my own crap, let alone keep track of what I'm telling other people about who's grandparent or distant aunt died just to cover up for the fact that one of you hasn't been in school.

And yes, that was pointed at you Emmeline since I haven't had to lie for Elphias yet.

And I know I'm only saying this because I'm pissed off, but really, both of you better try to stay out of trouble because I'm going insane trying to make stuff up about where all of us go when we're not seen by anyone for hours and hours.

Sorry. I'm just...she's MAD at me!


[/Elphias and Emmeline]


When you and Miranda get into a fight hoooow do you usually go about fixing it?

Or do you guys just eventually both get over it and move on?

I need help.


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2008-01-18 03:48 pm UTC (link)
Well, if you didn't do anything wrong.... just don't talk about it. Don't bring it up with Eliza. Maybe it'll go away.

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2008-01-19 12:17 am UTC (link)
I really hope so.

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