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Dedalus Diggle ([info]violetto_phat) wrote,
@ 2008-07-12 22:55:00

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Current mood: nervous



Do you remember how great it was to have our own space in France?


[Elphias, Ralph, Emmeline]

I'm about to ask Eliza to get a place with me.

Is that too much? Is that weird?

I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING. This is...BIG. Very big. Huge, isn't it? Moving in together?

[/Elphias, Ralph, Emmeline]

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2008-07-13 05:59 am UTC (link)
I know! And, it's just...weird. I already said this to Ralph, but I just didn't see this happening, like, ever. I mean, I hoped it would, but I just didn't think it would. At least, not right now, I thought I'd be like 30 by the time I actually moved in with a girl.

She said yes. Believe me when I tell you I'm grinning like an idiot, and yet I'm already freaking out about actually finding a place to live that I can afford. I mean, I should be fine, I thought about this before I brought it up, but...yeah. This is big.

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2008-07-13 06:19 am UTC (link)
Why on Earth wouldn't you see yourself settled down and happy?

Awww, well! That's good! You should talk to Frank, he found my flat in maybe two hours after asked him to help.

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2008-07-13 07:08 am UTC (link)
I...don't know? I mean, it just...never crossed my mind that anyone would ever like me like that, since it's never really happened before? Well, I mean I thought that maybe they could, but like I said, I thought it would be much later on in life. But, according to Ralph, girls flock to me now. Which...I don't get, or believe, because...that's just...no.


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2008-07-13 07:13 am UTC (link)
Well, you're smart, nice, and handsome, it's not that surprising.

Yep. Best flat ever, you've seen my bookcases.

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2008-07-13 06:58 pm UTC (link)

Believe me, it's surprising.

I may need an entire room full of bookcases. Like, a little library.

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2008-07-13 07:03 pm UTC (link)
I bet Alderton can figure out a nifty way to sort them all.

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