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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote,
@ 2010-01-06 22:04:00

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[Savannah]  I had some paperwork drawn up, tried to save you some of the hassle.  I can understand if you don't want to go over it in person but I figured you'd want to know what all was in it.  [/Savannah]

[Magpies]  Despite whatever rumors you may or may not have heard, practice is still at the same time.  I also highly suggest you get any questions or comments out of your system now.  [/Magpies]


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2010-01-07 02:14 am UTC (link)

I would.

Like to know what's in it, that is.

After everything, I should just try to take you for everything you're worth...

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2010-01-07 02:20 am UTC (link)
Well, the house for one, if you want it. And all the furniture and stuff we got while we were together.

And half of 3 years of my salary. If you need more I'll...

I don't want to leave you high and dry, so whatever you need. Apparently my lawyer says I shouldn't right that

I know this is shitty and awful. So whatever you need.

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2010-01-07 02:27 am UTC (link)

Don't you dare tell me you know what this is.

You have no idea what this is. Shitty and awful don't even scratch the surface of what this is!

You have no idea...what it's like...

You fell out of love with me.

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2010-01-07 02:36 am UTC (link)
It's not like I planned this, Savannah. I never intended to hurt you.

I would've stayed by you as long as you've wanted me. But you don't want that so here we are.

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2010-01-07 02:40 am UTC (link)
I couldn't...do that.

I couldn't be in a one sided marriage...pretending that you still loved me, when I'd-...

I'd know you didn't...

I couldn't do that...it wouldn't be fair...to either of us...

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