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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote,
@ 2010-01-06 22:04:00

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[Savannah]  I had some paperwork drawn up, tried to save you some of the hassle.  I can understand if you don't want to go over it in person but I figured you'd want to know what all was in it.  [/Savannah]

[Magpies]  Despite whatever rumors you may or may not have heard, practice is still at the same time.  I also highly suggest you get any questions or comments out of your system now.  [/Magpies]


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2010-01-07 04:03 pm UTC (link)
Don't worry, I have other things to worry about at the moment rather than being ~single and free~

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2010-01-07 04:06 pm UTC (link)
Good. And you don't need a reminder that Odette is engaged to a very nice bloke who loves her and that she does not want to be with you in any shape or fashion, right?

Because I'll let you know, if you need the reminder.

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2010-01-07 04:10 pm UTC (link)
I really don't give a shit about MacFarlan.

Like I said, I have other things to worry about, like a divorce and my daughter and running a team that seems like its going to mutiny any moment.

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2010-01-07 04:16 pm UTC (link)
The mutiny started a long time ago, buddy

I'm going to hold you to that, but the next time I hear you're bugging her about anything, I'm calling some cute hitwizards I know and getting your ass arrested. Because we all know Odette's let you get away with a ton of shit, don't try to deny that.

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