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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote,
@ 2010-01-23 22:42:00

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Posted sunday >>
[Savannah]  I know, I know that this looks really really horribly bad, but please tell me you picked up Leanne from daycare on Friday.   I can explain everything. I swear.  [/Savannah] 

[Drystan/Odette]   I swear I have a good reason for missing practice. 

As in I am currently being held hostage at a muggle hospital, and could use some help getting out.  Please? 

Did you know that they actually cut people open and sew them shut when they are done digging around inside?[Drystan/Odette]

Well hasn't this turned out to be a shitty weekend.

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2010-01-24 03:13 am UTC (link)
Is this supposed to be one of those jokes that only you think is funny because you made it up? I'm just letting you know, it's one of those kind.

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2010-01-24 03:16 am UTC (link)
Oh how I really really wish it was one of those.

I have a wound that is being held together by thread. Stitches they call them. And they say I'm the loony one.

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2010-01-24 04:10 am UTC (link)
What the fuck are you talking about?


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2010-01-24 04:18 am UTC (link)
I got shot by a loony muggle with a gun and they apparently had to cut me open to take the bullet out.

And now these crazy fuckers think I've lost my mind or something because I had no idea what was going on, which also is apparently my fault because I didn't research muggle weapons and hospital care before my shopping trip.

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2010-01-24 04:45 am UTC (link)
What the fuck were you doing that got you in a situation where a bullet got--- shot at you! What the fuck is wrong with you!

Of course they think you've lost your mind Right. And I thought I got myself in ridiculous situations.

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2010-01-24 04:54 am UTC (link)
I was shopping for a damn couch for my new flat. Someone recommended this store that just happened to be in Muggle London.

And its not like I woke up this Friday morning and said 'hey lets see what kind of fucked up day I can have today'

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2010-01-24 05:08 am UTC (link)


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2010-01-24 05:26 am UTC (link)
God damnit all this is a load of shit and I'm sick of this mess already

Look, I don't mean to snap or be mean or whatever, but I barely have any idea what the fuck is going on and Savannah is being a right bitch but she has my daughter so I can't just tell her to go shove off

Can you just tell Drystan that I'm not blowing off practice to be a lazy fucker, I'm not even sure he pays much attention to anything I say at all. And he likes you so he'll believe listen to you.

And maybe help find someone who can get me the fuck out of her before they stick me with something else.

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