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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote,
@ 2010-01-23 22:42:00

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Posted sunday >>
[Savannah]  I know, I know that this looks really really horribly bad, but please tell me you picked up Leanne from daycare on Friday.   I can explain everything. I swear.  [/Savannah] 

[Drystan/Odette]   I swear I have a good reason for missing practice. 

As in I am currently being held hostage at a muggle hospital, and could use some help getting out.  Please? 

Did you know that they actually cut people open and sew them shut when they are done digging around inside?[Drystan/Odette]

Well hasn't this turned out to be a shitty weekend.

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2010-01-24 04:58 am UTC (link)
Well, we can only hope...

She has a right to know what happened to her Dad, Seth. Do you really think it'd be better for her to think that you just didn't come for her because you were at work? She's scared, Seth, and she wants. to. know. where. her. father. is!

Get that through your head.

I adore Leanne, by the way. She is no trouble at all. Her father on the other hand...

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2010-01-24 05:17 am UTC (link)
Well I don't think telling her that he dad almost died is a very good idea. She's not even two yet.

Just tell her whatever, Savannah. I can see that you obviously don't think my opinion means much on the matter, I'm only her father after all.

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2010-01-24 05:21 am UTC (link)
You didn't die...and that will just make you look stronger in her eyes.

Fine. Fine. You're her father, so of course you would know what's best for her. Fuck, Seth, you deserve the father of the year award for your outstanding parenting. Bravo.

I'm not telling her a damn thing. You can explain everything to her yourself, since she is your daughter after all.

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