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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote,
@ 2010-01-23 22:42:00

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Posted sunday >>
[Savannah]  I know, I know that this looks really really horribly bad, but please tell me you picked up Leanne from daycare on Friday.   I can explain everything. I swear.  [/Savannah] 

[Drystan/Odette]   I swear I have a good reason for missing practice. 

As in I am currently being held hostage at a muggle hospital, and could use some help getting out.  Please? 

Did you know that they actually cut people open and sew them shut when they are done digging around inside?[Drystan/Odette]

Well hasn't this turned out to be a shitty weekend.

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2010-01-25 02:13 am UTC (link)
So what you would be attempting to tell me is that you were nearly fatally wounded by a Muggle and have now been taken prisoner by their barbaric health care system, and wish to be rescued.

Have I left anything out?

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2010-01-25 04:12 am UTC (link)
You pretty much have it covered there. A few of the finer details are missing but those really aren't important at the moment.

The real question is whether or not you believe me, because if not I suppose those pesky details become a bit more important.

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