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whoholdsthewhip ([info]whoholdsthewhip) wrote,
@ 2011-05-08 01:01:00

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A Matter of Duty
Sengai Senyaka showed no disconfort as his plane landed. He was his father's son after all. He'd never left his home in Sri Lanka, but his father deemed it necessary.

"there's nothing more I can teach you. You must go to those better equipped to empower you than I. My old lord can help you. You will be the means of healing an old wound and doing me proud."

Sengai knew he was not only helping himself, but doing his father a service as well. He would fulfill his duty, but did not mean he'd have to be cheery about it. He ignored the looks of intimidation and awe he received. His sash and glowing eyes made him stand out, even among mutants. He was continuing his father's legacy, he wore it proudly, and felt no need to make others more comfortable. The other passengers cleared the way for the intimidating young man as he deembarked,

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2011-05-08 03:12 am UTC (link)
Sengai's eyes flicker, a visible indication of the power he sensed coming off the young woman. Bodyguard. He stopped a respectable distance between them, not enough to attempt to drain her energy.

"Yes." The voice was cold.

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2011-05-08 03:15 am UTC (link)
She notices. Good start. He's not completely violent and stupid. Very good sign. "Giovanna Bennet. Our fathers had very little chance to get to know each other, but I suspect we each know something. I understand you have an appointment with Andrew Summers. If you will come with me, please?"

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2011-05-08 03:19 am UTC (link)
He gave a bow of his head.

"My father spoke highly of Exodus," Sengai informed, his voice remaining at a cool, almost smooth tone. In answer to her question. "Of course."

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2011-05-08 03:22 am UTC (link)
And she'll quickly get him and his things out of the public eye and into the car that's waiting for her.

"Mr. Senyaka, may I ask the purpose of your appointment with Andrew?"

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2011-05-08 03:32 am UTC (link)
When in the car, Sengai takes a moment to remove the sash from his face. His eyes glowed from the increased proximity to Gio's energy.

"Pardon, it's a power I cannot always control. I once caught my sash on fire from the intensity." His eyes returned to a more normal shade. "My father sent me here for two resons. One, as atonement for his transgressions against Magento. Second, to attain control he cannot help me gain."

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2011-05-08 03:37 am UTC (link)
"No offense taken; I can understand taht difficulty. Excuse the question in turn: what is the nature of the energy that occurs in those instances?" She asks carefully. If it was one of the kinds that couldn't hurt Andrew, then all was well. If not, she'd have to advise him to be very careful when feeling ... intense.

And oh, atoning for transgressions against Magneto warms her little Bennet heart, Sengai, though she manages to keep her tone mostly businesslike. "Well, we can see about eventually getting you entrance into Genosha, and the resources we have there for training and control issues. In the meantime, if Andrew gives his approval, I would be happy to help you practice while you are in New York."

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2011-05-08 03:44 am UTC (link)
Sengai replaces the sash around his face.

"Like my father I can drain energy. While he was restrained to lifeforce, I am more..varied." His eyes flicker, a sign that Sengai is putting effort into lightening their intensity. "When in the presence of a large energy source, they tend to 'go off' as it were. Though any actual damage caused is akin to a match fire. However if I were to touch and drain said energy sourse, it'd be more...significant."

Sengai listens to Giovanna's speech. "That is agreeable. My father's direction was not specific, so I'm willing to be..adaptable."

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2011-05-08 03:47 am UTC (link)
"The output is based on the input, then? I am afraid I must be very clear on this before you can see Andrew."

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2011-05-08 03:50 am UTC (link)
Sengai seems to think a moment before reswponding.

"I wouldn't offer to shake hands if I were him. It's easier to control when not in physical contact."

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2011-05-08 03:55 am UTC (link)
"Thank you. I will make sure he doesn't. Now, excuse me, particularly since neither of us is speaking our first language: can you produce, based on your absorptions, plasmic energy, psionic energy, or mostly only energies of the electromagnetic spectrum? Andrew's safety is my primary concern, and I need the details of what he may be in the room with."

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2011-05-08 04:02 am UTC (link)
"It's adaptive, based on the type of energy absorbed. If I absorb electricity, I can make an electric construct. If plasma, likewise." Sengai's eyes flicker again before answering. "In all honesty, if I drained enough, yes, I could hurt him."

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2011-05-08 04:11 am UTC (link)
She nods. "But now I at least better understand the methods."
She pulls out her phone as the car pulls up to the building's private entrance.


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2011-05-08 04:29 am UTC (link)
Andrew looks up from his reading after a couple rings. When he sees who it is though, he snaps the phone up quickly.

"Hello, mon couer."

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2011-05-08 04:38 am UTC (link)
"Hello, mon ange," she says in French. "Your 5:30 appointment, Sengai Senyaka, is here. He doesn't seem likely to be instantly aggressive, his story of wanting to help and be helped sounds plausible, and while it would be a serious struggle, I feel fairly confident he could be stopped before he did much serious damage."

She doesn't know for certain that Sengai doesn't speak sufficient French to understand him. If he does, she doesn't really see much of a problem. It's just a courtesy to lapse into her native tongue and be less blatant in her phrasing.

"Shall I bring him up?"

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2011-05-08 04:48 am UTC (link)
As always, Giovanna's thoroughness is impressive. He responds back in French, as readily, "Please do. He does, after all, have an appointment, and if he has convinced you of his sincerity, I'm comfortable meeting with him. Do you know how he takes his tea? I have a feeling this will not be a brief conversation."

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2011-05-08 04:54 am UTC (link)
Giovanna smiles wryly and pulls away from the phone as the car doors open for them and she gets out. "How do you take your tea, Mr. Senyaka?"

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2011-05-08 04:55 am UTC (link)
Sengai ponders the question.

"I am not a particular man. Whatever you have would be fine."

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2011-05-08 04:59 am UTC (link)
"No preferences. We'll be up in a minute. And no handshakes. You'll just have to nod at each other, for both your health." Because if Andrew's was affected, Sengai's would be shortly afterward.

She hung up and took him up the private elevator to their suite. Fortunately, Angelo was scarce for the moment. Best not to have him underfoot for a conversation this serious.

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2011-05-08 05:02 am UTC (link)
Andrew sees to getting hot water started, then settles in in the living room, away from the disarray of his books. Trying to make sure he doesn't offer his hand out of habit when they come in is tough, its reflex by now.

"Mr. Senyaka, I'm Andrew Summers. Its a pleasure."

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2011-05-08 05:06 am UTC (link)
Senyaka nods and pulls the sash back. He cannot shake the man's hand, but he can at least show proper respect by not hiding his face. His eyes glowed brightly, this man had power indeed.

"You have an impressive reputation, Mr. Summers. An honor."

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2011-05-08 05:16 am UTC (link)
"The honor is mine. Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable. I'm very curious what you have to say, as you went to a lot of trouble to arrange this. What can I do for you?"

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2011-05-08 05:20 am UTC (link)
Gio will take her own regular position and let Sengai start talking.

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2011-05-08 05:23 am UTC (link)
"Two things. In attonement for his past transgression against Magento, my father has sent me to serve in his stead as age has weakened his capabilities." Sengai's flickered as Sengai took a seat. To avoid any potential antagonjism, he backed his chair up. The glow dimmed. "The second..my powers are not easy to control and beyond my father's ability to help as they are significantly different than his."

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2011-05-08 05:32 am UTC (link)
"Obviously, Genosha'd be the best place for him, but with security now, we can't take immigrants immediately. I can help him secure a place in the city, help him practice a little, until he can go."

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2011-05-08 05:38 am UTC (link)
"Then let's be clear about a few things. Whatever your father's transgressions..." yes, he's familiar with what happened, "his only debt is to his conscience. I am neither Magneto, nor a lord of anything. My cause is to drag Genosha, kicking and screaming if need be, into the world at large. Trade, political allies, the ability to reasonably offer sanctuary to those whose only crime is being born with the X-gene without requiring sneaking across the borders or weapons pointed both ways.

I do not seek sycophants, servants or penitants. I do welcome people who want the same thing I do - to better human mutant relations by making them deal with us, out of the shadows, in the light, on even footing... and then extend the hand of friendship and peace from a position of security. Mine is neither Magneto nor Xavier's way... but my efforts do have my grandfather's reluctant backing.

So, once the 'debt' is resolved, and acknowledging we are not in a good spot to send you to Genosha currently, what are you looking for?"

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2011-05-08 05:45 am UTC (link)
Sengai's hands link together as he ponders before answering.

"A purpose of my own that is not that of my father's. I want a reason to care about what's happening beyond my immediate needs. I know only what my father has told me of the mutant-human conflict, but I've never truly seen it"

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2011-05-08 05:49 am UTC (link)
"Good answer, we might get along. But before this can go a lot further, I think, more than training with powers, what you need if you're going to find a cause is a sense of scope. Gio, mon coeur, do you think you can spare the time to help educate him in what's come before?" Implied: without too much political slant.

"When you know what's being fought for, its a lot easier to find one's own place in the fight. And I'd rather you make that decision on your own."

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2011-05-08 05:53 am UTC (link)
Gio manages to contain a schoolgirl sigh at all of Andrew's eloquent, sincere integrity. Shes' a professional.

She does smile wryly when he asks. "Yes, mon ange. I can manage."

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2011-05-08 05:58 am UTC (link)
Sengai raises an eyebrow at the interaction. Clearly the two were intimate. He felt a small pang of envy. It was hard to attract a woman when your eyes gave off enough to power to burn if you got too close. He cast the unpleasant thought from his mind.

"I am ready upon your say so."

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2011-05-08 06:06 am UTC (link)
"You sound like it. Alright, I'll make arrangements to have you put up in a nice hotel room with computer access and a DVD player, and send you a variety of the writings on mutant-human relations and the conflicts associated with it. Magneto's trial, the media appearances and what memoirs are published of Charles Xavier and Henry McCoy, and whatever else I can find that covers the history without straying too much. Giovanna can assist you and answer questions.

I don't expect you to agree or disagree with my position, all I ask in return is honesty, as you decide where you're at. Either way, I can respect those I disagree with for their convictions, and can help those who can help me and mine."

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2011-05-08 06:12 am UTC (link)
And Gio is a good girl and bites her tongue on commentary about how useful Xavier's memoirs, with their half-truths and cover-ups, will be. She just nods to Sengai and pours the tea.

"And we can still start on some practice sessions fairly soon. I know a few spaces that would be safe."

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2011-05-08 06:16 am UTC (link)
"Well in that case," Sengai begins, pulling his sashes back around his face. "I'm ready when you are."

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2011-05-08 02:29 pm UTC (link)
"Mon coeur, I just have a lot of reading to do today. If you'd like to have something a little more interesting today to do than watching me read and answering the phone, by all means. It sounds like our new friend could use the help."

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