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Sofia Mantega/Wind Dancer ([info]windrenascence) wrote,
@ 2010-06-18 20:45:00

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After hours fun (test scene)
Sofia stepped out of the mansion and onto the front lawn of Xavier's. The cool summer breeze touched her hair, and the rays of the setting sun felt wonderful on her face. Sofia used the wind currents to lift herself off the ground, taking to the sky.

She was on her second round of flying around the grounds when she felt like she was being followed. A smirk crossed her face, as she had a pretty good feeling of who it might be.

"We just keep running into each other everywhere lately, don't we?" She folded her arms over her chest, grinning widely at him.

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2010-06-19 01:54 am UTC (link)
Sofia shrugged. "Nothing much. It's the summer. School's kind of empty. Classes are fun and everything, but it's just keeping myself busy in the downtime. Not everyone's around."

Yeah she heard that there was a chance of a second X-Men squad starting up...but she didn't feel like mentioning that just yet.

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2010-06-19 02:18 am UTC (link)
“Yeah I’m only taking cool classes and that one class Miss Frost thought I should take,” Julian said. She though a class in ethics would be good for him but he found to be incredibly boring.

Julian had also heard about the possibility of a second x-men squad forming with the students and knew that he would be on that team if it did form.

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