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hannah & mark ([info]woodenfans) wrote,
@ 2008-08-31 23:35:00

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I'm taking the initiative here, because it is late on Sunday night, and I am going to work in the morning.

I'm asking for "purebloods" that are willing to meet up with the "muggleborns" tomorrow morning for work. I know there are a fair share of you out there that do not believe that this is the proper solution to protecting our citizens, and I'd like to ask you to offer your help.

"Purebloods," please comment here if you are willing to take a moment of your time to ensure that a "muggleborn" can arrive at work on time. I don't have anything to offer you than to commend you for your kindness. "Muggleborns," feel free to accept offers from "purebloods" from this entry.

"Halfbloods" as well are more than welcome to offer, as well.

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2008-09-01 04:52 am UTC (link)
Anyone going to the Ministry is welcome to come with me.

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2008-09-01 05:00 am UTC (link)
Thank you, Miss. MacFusty.

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