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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote,
@ 2011-07-24 02:38:00

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Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
On the way to Whitman's place, Minnie was still worried about Tina, but she'd have to be okay for now.

Tina had implied Minnie's hunch about Whitman's being up to something wasn't groundless, so she was going to get in well with him the best way she could.

She kept her interested eyes on him every moment they were in the car, squirming in her seat just a little. If he'd wanted a playing-it-cool queen of perfection, he'd have gone after Tina. Best to be the little tease with fire burning in her for a real man that she normally was. A.C. didn't know he wasn't a Real Man.

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2011-07-24 10:17 pm UTC (link)
He responds by grabbing that tight little ass he's been imagining all evening, pleased to find that it's just as firm as he expected.

He pulls her to straddle him and kisses her lips full and hard, murmuring as his cock hardens beneath her.

"Oh, I'm always helping. And you're the most interesting person I know." he says. Right now, at least.

His lips trail across her neck and throat, where he bites her skin firmly, though not hard enough to leave a mark.

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2011-07-24 10:35 pm UTC (link)
Minnie writhes against his touch, moans against his lips obediently, then softly cries out at his teeth. Goddess, that would be so hot if someone she considered a real man was doing it. As it was, her body was still quite responsive, and she showcases it.

Her hand scrambles to handle the precautions, asking "May I, please?" as she pants a little, lips parted just so. "Or does it take more to earn a fucking from you?"

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2011-07-24 10:45 pm UTC (link)
"Normally, I make girls work harder for it...but yeah, you can, Minerva. I think you need it." he grins, biting her again.

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2011-07-24 10:51 pm UTC (link)
She near squeals at the bite, makes sure the preparations are in order, and then slowly -- so very slowly -- impales herself on him. She moans a flirtily wanton little "Thank you, Sir," and for a moment rather hates herself for it.

But this is Business. This is for Julian

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2011-07-26 01:50 am UTC (link)
He slaps Minnie on the ass as she moves, starting to breathe heaver as she slides down upon him.

Of course, she feels it when he spills within her, a deep groan issuing from his lips.

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2011-07-26 02:13 am UTC (link)
Another little squeal at the smack. She makes a low little sound as he finishes, tightening to work him through it.

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2011-07-26 02:22 am UTC (link)
A.C. does his best to keep going, hoping that Minnie did notice that he just spent himself so soon after being inside her. That would be too embarrasing to deal with.

"Yes...just like that, Minerva. You're a dirty little slut, aren't you?" he asks, grasping her breasts.

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2011-07-26 02:35 am UTC (link)
Fortunately, this pathetic performance is... about what she expected, so no major surprise is betrayed, and if he thinks she's too dumb to notice, she won't spoil it for him. She just makes an affirming noise at his attempt to be a good dominant partner, presses her breasts more into his grip with a little hiss. "'sides, everybody loves a hero," she whispers intently as she grinds against him in the frustration of the fact that he walks free.

A girl's got to make it look good before she 'finishes.'

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2011-07-26 02:56 am UTC (link)
A.C. is so pathetic that the sight of her 'finishing' is enough to make him do so again. His eyes roll back and he pulls her close to him as he does.

Once he's done, he looks up at her.

"Do you wanna go upstairs and do this again?" he asks.

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2011-07-26 03:00 am UTC (link)
She nestles into his arms with a shudder she's confident he'll think is a pleasant aftershock. "Please?"

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2011-07-28 02:26 am UTC (link)
"I love the way you say that, you know." A.C. says, confident that he's going to rock her world as soon as they get upstairs.

The "misfire" was just due to nerves. That's all.

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2011-07-28 02:39 am UTC (link)
She smiles, then reaches to grab her dress and wiggle herself back into it. She helps him clean up enough to zip up carefully so he can lead her upstairs. "Only right to ask for what one needs."

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