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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote,
@ 2011-08-25 20:36:00

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AU: In Service
Minnie was taking notes in her head. She was doing this beside the chair of the Lady ... Lord Imperial -- grammatically, it ought to be Lady, blast it! -- of the Hellfire Club. She was doing it from her knees beside said chair, because she liked it that way. And Tina didn't object. Minnie was wearing her diamond choker and bracers and...well, a little bit else, and she was carefully cataloguing everything Tina needed to be done.

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2011-08-25 11:34 pm UTC (link)
Minnie happily leaned into that as the guy stammered through what was basically a 'Yes, but I'm too insecure not to need further explanation.' He tried not to stare at the little...display.

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2011-08-25 11:44 pm UTC (link)
Tina watched the man's reaction. Interesting. She pulled on Minnie's hair now, a little sharply so as to force her back to arch.

"Well if that's all there is no need for you to continue to waste my time...Sullivan, wasn't it?" Her eyes fixed on the man as she very unsubtly shoved herself into his mind. As she suspected, not much going on. He was distracted by the display.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Another tug on Minnie's hair.

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2011-08-25 11:56 pm UTC (link)
As Minnie's compliantly -- proudly, in fact-- reined back by the hair, Sullivan's wide-eyed. "Sorry, uh, um, yes, Ma'am."

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2011-08-26 12:29 am UTC (link)
"Mr. Howard will contact you within the week. Now, leave before I get the urge to show my pet how it is exactly that I burn out the human mind with no more effort than a smile."

Tina leaned forward, letting go of Minnie's hair so that she could draw her hand over the woman's neck, shoulder, and then chest. She wondered just how much self-preservation the man had...and then promptly groped Minnie's breast.

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2011-08-26 12:33 am UTC (link)
Sullivan's two minds compromise by retreating out of the room backwards, eyes fixed on them. "thankyouma'am."

As soon as the door closes, Minnie giggles.

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2011-08-26 12:34 am UTC (link)
"Well that was fun. I think I'll feed him to Julian, what do you think?" Tina relaxed as soon as the door closed, leaning down to kiss Minnie.

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2011-08-26 12:37 am UTC (link)
Minnie savored the kiss happily, hands slipping to the back of Tina's neck to start kneading away any headache tension.
"He won't be much of a meal. He's got the colors of...boiled cabbage."

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2011-08-26 12:40 am UTC (link)
"I know, but he'll enjoy tormenting the man first. I do enjoy giving him toys."

Tina pulled Minnie up into her arms.

"I got you some new diamonds. I thought a diamond leash might be a nice addition."

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2011-08-26 12:41 am UTC (link)
Minnie cuddled. "You spoil me."

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2011-08-26 12:51 am UTC (link)
"Only because you are worth it. And more. Even more than the diamonds. If anyone ever knew you were the real power here..." Tina snuggled Minnie a moment. "I may need your services again, Minnie."

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2011-08-26 12:59 am UTC (link)
Minnie giggled as she kissed at Tina's neck. "Yep. I'm like the Themistocles Baby. The wielding of world power is mostly just a sideline for the people who fulfill all my needs. You need your hobbies."

Another kiss, pressed behind her ear, and she whispers. "How?" hotly as Minnie's mental shields drop like her clothing at the end of a performance.
Tell me, please

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2011-08-26 10:02 am UTC (link)
Tina loved nothing more then when Minnie dropped the mental shields and was truly and completely naked with her in all the places that counted. Tina gently pulled Minnie's mind into hers for the ultimate closeness.

"Most importantly, I need you Minnie. That Sullivan had terribly dirty thoughts about you and I want to capitalize on them. But I also need your more....corporate skills.

"The man has a carefully placed telepathic block near the memory center of his brain. I recognize the technique but not the actual handiwork. I need you to use your more traditional methods to find out who he's working for before we feed him to Julian."

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2011-08-26 01:06 pm UTC (link)
How Minnie manages to have a downright cuddly psychic presence is anyone's guess, but she does.

Ooh, terribly dirty thoughts!

As to business, "I'll give him a good performance," she promises, grinning. "And then I'll tell Julian how terribly annoying it was."

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2011-08-29 12:14 am UTC (link)
It made Tina so happy to be close with Minnie like this, to be able to feel her cuddling with her in ways far more intimate than most people would ever know.

"Sometimes I wish you didn't have to perform."

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2011-08-29 02:19 am UTC (link)
"It's always for the two of you in the end," Minnie mutters softly against her neck.

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2011-08-29 11:57 am UTC (link)
"I know. And you know I love you for it. I just get so protective." Tina rubbed Minnie's back, letting her hand drift to the woman's backside. "I don't like when others touch you."

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2011-08-29 11:59 am UTC (link)
A happy little sound at her touch. "I love you, too, Tina. And I'll be okay. Nobody has the guts to treat me too badly."

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2011-08-29 12:01 pm UTC (link)
"That's because they know better than to touch you in any way that might displease either Julian or myself. I know he has no qualms about dealing with such things but no one wants my method of revenge." Tina grapsed Minnie's ass a bit.

"No one harms what is mine."

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2011-08-29 12:03 pm UTC (link)
There's a bit of a whimper as Minnie leans to kiss every available inch of Tina's skin.

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2011-08-29 12:32 pm UTC (link)
It's Tina's turn to whimper, melting under the lips of the other woman.

"What are your plans this afternoon, Minnie?"

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2011-08-29 12:36 pm UTC (link)
"Being right here or following you home." Minnie smiles.

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2011-08-29 12:45 pm UTC (link)
"Ah so I don't have to wrestle with Julian for you." Tina smiles. "If I take you home, you can scream more loudly."

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2011-08-29 12:49 pm UTC (link)
"Not today," she says cheerily. "Although I wouldn't say no to watching the two sexiest people in the world wrestle if the opportunity presented itself."

She smiles even brighter. "Home it is, then!"

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2011-08-29 03:37 pm UTC (link)
Tina gently eased Minnie off of her lap and laughed a bit.

"You just want to watch us fight over you. We could arrange that, you know."

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2011-08-29 03:41 pm UTC (link)
"It's my dreadfully inflated ego. The idea of being the prize for you two..." Minnie's hips wiggle slightly as she stands.

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2011-08-29 03:45 pm UTC (link)
Tina swats her on the ass.

"You are quite a prize, though. I would know. I've had the pleasure of....you."

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2011-08-29 03:49 pm UTC (link)
A happy yelp at the smack.
"And I'd like you to have it again, please." She tugs at Tina's free hand a little to encourage getting ready to leave faster. "...you've got a driver ready, right?"

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2011-08-30 11:23 am UTC (link)
"My darling of course I do, but yes, I am teasing you. I love watching you squirm. I love how wide your eyes get and how you fidget." Tina let Minnie tug her towards leaving and she smiled as she adjusted her long gray satin cape. She had, of course, done as Julian had done when he had declared himself Grey King so long ago and gone with Grey herself. It seemed fitting.

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2011-08-30 11:40 am UTC (link)
Minnie faux-pouts as she walks beside her. "Does this mean I may, or may not service you on the ride home?"

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2011-08-31 09:56 am UTC (link)
It never failed to strike Tina how Minnie was always concerned about servicing her not asking for herself, though she usually said nothing.

"I've asked the driver to go the long way," she said by way of an answer, smiling.

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2011-08-31 10:44 am UTC (link)
And Minnie is delighted. Indeed, though she's always very vocally responsive and appreciative when Tina goes to work on her, her first instinct is always the reverse. That's how she rolls.

Once they're in the car, Minnie will quickly get in the best position to adjust Tina's clothing as she kisses.

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2011-08-31 02:04 pm UTC (link)
Tina slipped off her cape and lay it beside her. She'd gone full regalia for the little meeting, hoping for it to be fairly intimiating for the man--a move that seemed successful. This left her in just her underwear and corset. And the boots, of course, all a perfect grey.

Tina relaxed, letting her knees move apart a bit, sighing softly.

"So glad I called for the limo."

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2011-08-31 02:07 pm UTC (link)
An affirming sound from Minnie as she sets to work hungrily, pushing a bit of cloth out of the way.

Minnie's eyes turn up to Tina, her mouth still full, as she tells her, You look so beautiful in grey. Both of them looked fantastic like that.

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2011-09-03 01:06 am UTC (link)
Tina moaned, her body shuddering a bit as her eyes closed and her fingers tangled in Minnie's hair. She'd come to love the alone time with her.

And you look rather beautiful with nothing on but diamonds.

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2011-09-03 01:11 am UTC (link)
You're so sweet, Tina. And Right, too. And there were soft sounds into Tina's flesh at the grip in Minnie's hair. She continued even more hungrily.

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2011-09-03 01:28 am UTC (link)
Careful...don't let me finish...make me squirm....

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2011-09-03 01:31 am UTC (link)
Yes, Ma'am, Minnie tells her, easing up to lap at her much more lightly and delicately, but still very precisely. But I want it so bad, Tina. Want to feel you moving against my tongue

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2011-09-04 03:40 pm UTC (link)
But I love when you torture me so... Tina's whole body and mind shuddered at Minnie's expert tongue-work and she almost yanked on Minnie's hair. The woman was driving her mad.

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2011-09-04 03:46 pm UTC (link)
As Minnie whimpers against her from feeling her pleasure, she runs laps and nips just right to keep the stimulation going incessantly.

I can't tell you no. Oh, Tina....you taste so good

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2011-09-04 03:48 pm UTC (link)
And you feel so damn good...my god Minnie...I swear this is the way I want to die someday... Tina moaned audibly and loudly.

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2011-09-04 04:34 pm UTC (link)
No dying, please, Minnie tells her as she continues, her hips wiggling with lust and yes, sheer pleasure.

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2011-09-04 05:01 pm UTC (link)
Not now, know. Not when I'm about to absolutely explode....I've changed my mind...don't stop...oh god don't stop...

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2011-09-04 05:09 pm UTC (link)
And Minnie doesn't stop. She obediently listens to Tina's connected mind and gives her everything she wants within Minnie's power.

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2011-09-04 05:20 pm UTC (link)
Tina pushes herself against Minnie's lips and yanks on her hair and cannot stand it anymore, her body convulsing and nearly exploding with Minnie's efforts as Tina screams and wails.

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2011-09-04 05:54 pm UTC (link)
And Minnie works her through it, moaning herself at the tug on her hair, and shuddering from that and just from the sheer pleasure of seeing and feeling and hearing Tina.

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