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yourtruecolors ([info]yourtruecolors) wrote,
@ 2011-11-03 02:58:00

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It was good work, for now. Until her sweet master returned, well, now that she'd learned where the points were that the band should never do without, she dug in like a very stylish terrier with the venues and wouldn't let go of those points. She expanded their areas of performance, got some wider distribution for their CDs, played hostess for crew parties, and yet somehow DJ's apartment was usually spotless when she met him at the door, desperate for his touch.

Minnie had never been much of a slacker.

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2011-11-07 07:35 pm UTC (link)
And Minnie absolutely does her best to make a good show, maneuvering her partner to a good position for DJ's view. And they will grind and entwine, and sometimes in the very brief transitions between songs, Minnie'll stand on tiptoe to whisper apparently-terribly-interesting things into the taller girl's ear, at least judging from the wide-eyed reactions

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2011-11-07 07:41 pm UTC (link)
This is totally worth Minnie not ending up under the table tonight. There's time for blowjobs and sexual favors later. This is a rarer opportunity, and he's savoring every second of it - especially those wide eyed looks, unable to help both pondering what's being said, and loving the way Minnie's mind works, even if he doesn't know specifics.

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2011-11-07 08:00 pm UTC (link)
And they'll continue through the night. When her partner gets tired, Minnie'll find her a seat, get her a drink, and then eventually tempt her back onto the dance floor, her hands never quite leaving the girl for more than a beat, always quick to nuzzle at her neck, or turn and press her back to her rather displayfully.

By the end of the evening, well, it's been established that at this club, kissing on the dance floor is not a major problem.

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2011-11-07 08:20 pm UTC (link)
While the club does have certain rules, in a place where they make their money off of liquor and enticing twenty somethings to dance close and meet interesting people, kissing is definitely not a problem. Truth be told, they push the edge, and by the end of the night, there's a few people with no shirts on aside from the DJ, though the girls have to be kept to either bras, or at least strategically placed duct tape, and more than a few have to be separated a bit to be shown the door. Minnie, and her dance partner if she wishes, are given an exception, at request, if they stay near the DJ's booth.

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2011-11-07 08:33 pm UTC (link)
Minnie will maintain enough presence of mind to keep track of what she can get away with and coax her partner -- who is sober! Minnie's just very tempting -- into going just that far and no further as they essentially reach the point of making out rhythmically -- or perhaps one could say 'mostly clothed upright sex' -- near DJ's booth.

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2011-11-07 08:39 pm UTC (link)
His clean up and tear down takes an extra fifteen minutes that night - he's very distracted. To this end, he's happy to take half an hour's less pay from the manager for the trouble, and pay the couple security guards who had to stay on enough to get them breakfast, for the time, and their patience. Overall, there seems to be a pretty high degree of understanding in this case.

"Ok, ready to go. You have a guest tonight, Minnie?"

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2011-11-07 08:47 pm UTC (link)
"Yes. This is Anna. Anna, this is my roommate --"

"DJ Whedon, yes. The guitar work on 'Sects and Violence' is incendiary," the taller girl says earnestly.

Minnie's smile slowly gets bigger.

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2011-11-07 08:51 pm UTC (link)
"Nice to meet you, Anna." he replies, extending a hand, the other still tucking his shirt into his belt, not bothering to put it back on. Too warm after the night in the club.

"And thank you. You play, or just a music fan?"

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2011-11-07 09:02 pm UTC (link)
She shakes. "Mostly just a fan; Amateur hour on the bass." Amateur or not, her hand has all the right callouses for it.

Minnie will walk silently and cheerfully just behind them as they start to leave the club, intending to let them talk, let them get used to each other...

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2011-11-07 09:13 pm UTC (link)
He nods, quite happy to talk shop. "Bass and drums are the heart of everything. Good instrument to learn... was where I got started, before some friends needed a lead. I still have a bass around, if you're around long enough to maybe play a little for me sometime. Or maybe jam a little."

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2011-11-07 09:24 pm UTC (link)
Anna smiles. "That would be wonderful. Honestly. I really love your stuff, and I think Machinegun's done a lot in its way for mutants in the -- oh dear, I don't want to sound like an obsessed groupie. I promise I wasn't going after you; didn't know you and Minnie had an arrangement until she said --" and Anna just blushes as she thinks of what exactly Minnie said. "Never mind."

There's a low contralto chuckle.

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2011-11-07 09:34 pm UTC (link)
He chuckles and shakes his head. "She went over to dance with you, not the other way around. I wasn't worried about that at all. I'm glad you're pro-mutant too... can always use more support there, though if you get me going, I'm sure you'd hear all sorts of radical political opinions. But now I'm curious... what did she say? I always love hearing her input." he replies with a grin, glancing back to Minnie.

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2011-11-07 09:53 pm UTC (link)
Anna blushes some more. "I'm sure I couldn't say the whole thing properly."

"Oh come on, Anna," Minnie says, her voice sounding darker than usual, her arm caressing its way up the taller girl's back. "I'm sure you can remember if you think about it."

Anna smiles incredibly sheepishly, then says quietly. "Was something about how her roommate was over there watching us, and how you'd watch us have all the fun I could want, and then when I was done with her, she'd go..."

Anna trails off softly, and Minnie's hand coaxes more. "Come on. You can say it, Anna," she encourages again.

A very soft hitch in the taller girl's breath. "...she said she'd go crawling to you like an animal in heat, needing another good fucking. And that she'd get it." Anna bites her lip in a I-can't-believe-I-said-that way, but not upset. "It was, um, kinda hot. But anywaythatwasthefirstIheard."

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2011-11-07 11:57 pm UTC (link)
He chuckles. "Yeah, that sounds like her." Beat. "She's right though, you know. No pressure, but we'd be happy to have you join us for dinner and, if everything works out, invite you back to our place. I told her she could bring a cute girl home if she found one to her tastes."

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2011-11-08 01:46 am UTC (link)
"That...sounds...nice," Anna admits.
"Of course it does," Minnie says happily.

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2011-11-08 02:06 am UTC (link)
This night just gets better and better. "I chose food before work, Minnie. What are we doing for dinner? Only so much is open, but still."

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2011-11-08 02:18 am UTC (link)
Minnie grins. "There's an all-night Cuban place with some incredible soup not that far from here."

"...you really like to get creative, don't you."


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2011-11-08 02:21 am UTC (link)
"We enjoy creativity. And Cuban sounds great."

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2011-11-08 02:25 am UTC (link)
"Great!" Minnie declares. "I'm thirsty."
And off they'll go.

Minnie will be Minnie and offer suggestions regarding the menu. She'll also hardly keep her hands off of Annie on the way there.

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2011-11-08 02:30 am UTC (link)
At this time of night, no one who works at a place open at this hour is going to say much about some roaming hands, since a lot of people out and about right now are drunk or high, so it kind of comes with the time.

DJ is quite happily watching the entire spectacle, more than happy to keep his hands to himself as long as the show continues. He also takes suggestions for food, so long as there's plenty of food. As usual after a night of work, he's starving.

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2011-11-08 02:35 am UTC (link)
Both girls dig in reasonably heartily, too, and the portions are affordably large. Minnie will be smugly satisfied when all her suggestions pan out well, and things will generally be enjoyed.

"So when's the next show?" Anna eventually asks DJ when she manages to take her eyes of Minnie and the food for a moment.

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2011-11-08 02:38 am UTC (link)
"We have a couple club shows this month, and a bigger one as a benefit show early next month. Cost is mostly donations of time or money to help rebuild District X. Then we're debating starting a tour. Minnie is going to be our road manager, but there's no dates yet."

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2011-11-08 02:41 am UTC (link)
"Smart idea, taking time donations." Anna attempts to have an ordinary conversation with an attractive guy she rather admirse while an incredibly hot chick keeps a hand on her thigh. The general expression of not believing this is happening betrays itself occasionally.

Minnie makes an affirming sound between bites, her free hand remaining in place.

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2011-11-08 03:00 am UTC (link)
DJ hardly believes this himself, but he's certainly not objecting. "We want people from surrounding neighborhoods there, and time and tools are as needed as money. It'll be an outdoor show, so acoustics won't be the best, but plenty of capacity."

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2011-11-08 03:03 am UTC (link)
"Well, that's to be expected in a benefit show, and sometimes, really, the band manages to get more energy out of the crowd at an outdoor show than otherwise..."
And it's possible Minnie's hand is up the back of her shirt again, so she's a little distracted.

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(no subject) - [info]dinosaur_jr, 2011-11-08 03:27 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2011-11-08 03:39 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2011-11-08 04:19 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2011-11-08 06:48 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2011-11-08 07:04 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2011-11-08 07:33 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]yourtruecolors, 2011-11-08 07:50 am UTC
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