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elena marie zini ([info]zini) wrote,
@ 2011-05-20 01:53:00

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Current location:morgana's pub and restaurant, diagon alley
Entry tags:fini, justin finch-fletchley

VIII: over easter break.

 quote: continued from here
Justin laughed, then shook his head. "No bugs. Have you ever heard of Star Wars?" he asked. "It's amazing what muggles can do without magic." He didn't particularly like referring to muggles like that when his whole family was muggles, and he thought of himself as one before he got his Hogwarts letter. It was like a whole other group of people that weren't like him, even though it was in his blood, but who was he to question it when they came up with things like Jedis and the Force? He continued on with his Star Wars talk. "That's about as romantic of movies as I've seen. The light sabers provide natural mood lighting, you know," he told her, smirking because he knew that wasn't the sort of answer she was driving at with her question. "A-Are you into muggle romances?"

Ellie smiled, half-relieved. She didn't know if she could sit through a film about bugs, even if it was to make one of her friends happy. As he mentioned another Muggle film, though, her interest was piqued. Star Wars? No, Ellie had never heard of it--she was intrigued, mainly because it sounded like it had nothing to do with things that crawl. Plus, she enjoyed Astronomy as well as the next girl, so anything to do with stars was probably good by her. "I haven't heard of it, no, but it sounds rather fascinating. What's a light saber?" Although the name sounded rather self-explanatory, she wasn't sure if she could imagine a sword made out of light... it did seem a bit far fetched to her. And that they provided natural mood lighting? "I'm fond of the ones I've seen, and Alma usually likes to talk about her mos recent favorite Muggle romance novel. Her stories sound quite lovely." Ellie paused at that moment, for the waitress returned with their drinks almost as if on cue. Ellie had just reached for her wine glass, forgetting momentarily that it was empty, before she remembered and withdrew her hand, embarrassed. Therefore, the replacements the waitress brought were welcome--at least, on Ellie's part, they were. She smiled to the waitress and took a sip from her glass of wine. "How does a light saber provide mood lighting, exactly?" she asked, her burning question surfacing.

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2011-05-20 01:45 pm UTC (link)
It was maddening, carrying on a conversation when all Justin really wanted to do was reach over for Ellie's hand. It didn't matter if it was on the table or not, maybe she would understand his gesture and hold his hand, too. He figured that she had done it once before, in the empty classroom, but he couldn't remember why she had done it exactly, or what he'd said right before. If only he could replicate that conversation almost exactly. No, no, his mind had to stay at the topic at hand. "A light saber is... a sword... made of light," he said with hesitation, unsure of how else to describe it. "I was kidding about them being mood lighting, since they're mostly used during fights and things." He looked at her shyly, embarrassed to reveal just that tiny bit of information when his knowledge spanned so much more than that. He looked at her again and willed his arm to move, to reach across the table towards her, but nothing happened. He then nodded. "Alma sounds..." Nice. "... nice. I don't suppose she knows about Star Wars, either? I thought that people knew the trilogy from birth," he said, chuckling lamely at his joke.

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2011-05-20 06:10 pm UTC (link)
She laughed as he responded with hesitation, for he really had just repeated her own thoughts without knowing. "I figured as much," said Ellie, looking at him over her glass of wine, noting the shy expression on his face, one that made the corner of her mouth twitch upwards ever so slightly. Ellie moved her head ever so slightly, to shake her hair from her eyes, so she could see Justin better--not through a curtain of bangs. "Alma's a lovely person. I really couldn't have asked for a better friend. And, I could ask her, about the movie. She's never mentioned it, but it's possible she knows what it is?" She shrugged, pursing her lips. She noticed Justin's pint was sitting closer to her than to him, and she gently pushed it towards him, giving him a smile, her hand somewhat lingering as she finished nudging it across the table. "I'd be willing, you know. To watch Star Wars."

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2011-05-20 10:03 pm UTC (link)
Hypnotically, Justin watched as Ellie pushed his pint towards him. This was it, this was his chance! Just reach over like you're going for your glass, and put your hand on hers instead, he told himself. Do it, you plonker! On command, his hand began to slide on to the table and opened to grab the handle of his glass, but at the last second, his hand defied his brain and only his fingers brushed against hers before they grabbed onto his glass and slid it back towards him. Plonker! he yelled in his mind as he took rather large gulps from his glass, cursing himself. The perfect opportunity, and all he could do was make it seem like he'd brushed her fingers by accident. As she said that she was willing to watch Star Wars, his eyes widened a little. Did that mean she was willing to watch it with him, or in general? He had little to no experience with that sort of thing, so he assumed that she meant in general. "Oh, yes, you definitely should," he said as he set his pint down. "Maybe Alma would be willing to watch it with you if she hasn't seen it either."

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2011-05-22 03:06 am UTC (link)
As his fingers brushed hers, she felt a bit of a jolt in her stomach, and she smiled somewhat as she felt her cheeks heat up the slightest bit. Ellie wasn't certain if she had pushed the glass over so slowly in the hopes of making contact, or if she had just done it to prevent it from spilling, but the jolt in her stomach, combined with the fact that she had kissed him on the cheek before, and held his hand briefly, made it more and more clear to her that she most likely really, truly had feelings for Justin. She withdrew her hand to bring her wine glass to her lips, sipping the wine as he drank from his pint, and suddenly, she decided to try something. "Well, I was hoping you'd show it to me, you know. Since you know so much of it." Ellie had been focusing on her hands, which were folded together on the table, as she said it. Her eyes darted back up to Justin briefly following her last words.

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2011-05-27 01:07 am UTC (link)
Justin thought about asking Ellie to repeat herself. Not because he didn't hear her, or understand what she said but he wanted some sort of clarification. No, that wasn't true. He wanted to hear her say it again, mostly because he was in disbelief. "Oh, yeah, right," he said as he tried to make it sound like he knew what she'd been driving at the whole time, despite his previous suggestion. "Yeah, I mean, we could totally do that." He let out a high, wavering, nervous laugh and looked up at Ellie with an unsure smile, wondering if she was just being nice or if she really meant it.

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2011-06-02 10:31 am UTC (link)
Ellie's lips fought her to split into a grin, yet she simply smiled, not wanting to seem too eager over the idea. Yet, his affirmation gave her that same jolt in her stomach, one she had not felt in a while. "Wonderful," she responded, and upon her face was probably the most sincere look she had given anyone from Hogwarts since her first term, before she became close with Scarlett. "I look forward to it."

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