26 April 1981 @ 11:22 am
Who: Adelaide and Andre Jordan
What: Lee's day care is attacked!
Where: Hogsmeade!
When: Last night!

I'll take care of this. )
30 December 1980 @ 12:18 pm
Corner/Englewood Wedding! For New Year's Eve!  
Getting married was absolutely terrifying. No matter how smoothly Gabriel proceeded through the planning, the discussions, and the actual event, he was holding back getting sick the second he could catch a moment to himself. He knew he didn't love Rachel yet, which might be the reason why he was finding himself so nervous as they sat at the head table of their reception, but he did honestly---he did honestly believe that he could fall in love with this woman. She was fiery with a mind of her own, and though some people might be irritated by it, Gabriel actually appreciated the way she took control of things. He had always been a bit of a follower, and it was easy to agree with Rachel because her reasoning simply made sense.

The reception did look fantastic. Gabriel couldn't believe it was all put together within two short months, but then again he was learning that Rachel was a woman who set her goals and refused to leave them unfinished. Maybe he should look at that as a good thing; surely someone who did not want to get married would not have put so much effort into the ceremony? Or she simply wanted to throw the most beautiful wedding of them all, simply because she could. He didn't know, and didn't mind not finding out as long as they remained content with each other.

He did find her very interesting, however, and that was the first thing a Ravenclaw looked for in a spouse. Maybe all of his concerns were for naught, and it was simply wedding day jitters. His parents had been arranged in a similar manner, and they were still quite happily married (and sometimes nauseatingly sweet about it, too). Gabriel turned and smiled at Rachel, pushing his chair out and offering his hand, "Would you like to dance?"

A chorus of glasses clinging supported Gabriel, and he flushed slightly at all the attention that was on them, once again.

ooc: guest list! We did our best, but if we missed someone let us know!
29 October 1980 @ 08:32 pm
Halloween Party (for Saturday!)! Everyone!  
Halloween was her favorite day of the year, outside of her birthday. And Christmas. And Valentine's Day! It was still pretty up there, considering that there were 365 days in the bloody year! Liz couldn't handle the excitement, whether it be from dressing Katie up in adorable little outfits (plural, because she simply could not pick one obnoxiously cute costume for her daughter) or doing her hair or making Ian dress up and the candy!

Ohhhh, the candy.

It was probably not a good idea to be on a full blown sugar rush when you left for a big party like this, but her fans (she had FANS!) were used to her rapid paced talk! So this should be the norm for everyone, because Liz Bell was a show stopper! The red carpet was sooo much fun, and the Bells were just sofreakinggoodlooking so why would the cameras not flash at them and sigh.

Halloween was the best ever.

"How are my buns?" she asked without looking up, unsure if she had wandered away from her husband or not. There were so many pretty costumes and lights and shiny things...it really wasn't her fault if she'd gotten lost in the crowd.
17 September 1980 @ 12:37 pm
Okay, what Andre had said was harsh, but it was true.  And he was never know to sugar-coat things.  He really did understand her grief.  It was hard on him too.  Knowing that his son would be his only.  It was awful. And he never said he knew exactly how Adelaide felt because obviously he couldn't.  He wasn't a woman.

But he couldn't stand by and let her make life changing decisions while she was grieving.  Decisions like that made in such an emotional state were usually regretted.  And at the same time, she was so overwhelmed with her current feelings that he was pretty sure she had forgotten just how much she hated residency.  Being at the bottom of the food chain did not suit her well.  Its one of the reasons he loved her.  She was made to give orders and not take them.  And did she forget the fit that she threw when he made Head of Spell Damage?  She didn't like it when she out ranked him, even in different departments, how was she going to handle taking orders from him again?  Not to mention that Andre hated being her boss.

So now he was searching the hospital up and down for his wife.  He pushed back all his procedures because this couldn't wait.  He had already checked all the on-call rooms and then the supply closets.  He was quickly running out of places to look, but he kept on and the nurses knew better than to bother him.

05 September 1980 @ 06:00 pm
Who: Andre and Adelaide Jordan
What: She's waking up to some bad news!
Where: St. Mungo's
When: Like a week or so after the earthquake, apparently Cristina fails at telling Leigh she's tagged :[
Status: Finishing in comments!

What the hell was her husband going on about? )
05 August 1980 @ 09:16 pm
He'd had a strange feeling when he'd woken up this morning. Mark's coffee had tasted funny, not for anything Hannah had done to it, it was the same recipe as always, it was just something in his mind that was telling him things were not right. He liked to think that his instinct was what made him a good healer and a proficient healer-in-chief, but today he was just stuck wondering why everything felt so off.

Musing at the nurses' station, Mark leaned into the counter with the tip of his quill poking a blot of ink into his cheek. He was often found here, deep in thought, and it usually took Nurse Tonks saying something ridiculously inappropriate to snap him out of his thoughts.

Today, though, it was the entire nurses station shifting from underneath him and sliding a meter or two away. Mark stumbled, landing on his knees rather hard, and looked up in horror at the sight of the hospital's corridors swaying and shaking. Paintings fell, vials rolled and burst on the ground, and the screams.

He'd known something was off today. "CODE BLACK!"

ooc: http://www.scribbld.net/users/valesco_mods/32947.html
22 June 1980 @ 06:25 pm
Who: Jordans!
What: :[ Angstyness?
When: A week after the order meeting

Carrots usually weren't this infuriating. )
10 March 1979 @ 11:34 pm
Who: Jordans, duh
When: In the morning today
What: Andre Jordan is not sick.

This is not my dirty talk. )
28 January 1979 @ 12:20 am
WHO: Lily Potter, James Potter, & Adelaide Jordan
WHAT: ]]]:
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: St. Mungo's

'I'm putting ten pounds on this being your fault.' )