September 9th, 2008

01:17 pm - Friends Only

This journal is now friends only.  If you are on this journal as a friend already, then you are fine.

But if you are coming in new from a service i have already friended you at, I am going to just read you on that service instead.  This keeps the amount of crossposts that I have to read to a bare minimum.  It also saves me time with the amount of journals I have to keep up with while I am trying to do school as well.

Thank you for your understanding.

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September 8th, 2008

05:39 pm - I'm Tired
I am tired.  I have a mountain of reading homework that I am never going to catch up on, inworld things I have to take care of, a little brother who is pouting because he doesn't have an episode of the Middleman on TV tonight.

There is a pulled muscle in our neck that hurts to high heaven and an off and on muscle ache in our right thigh that makes want to cry.

My eyes are hot and dry, my head is full of so much stuff that I really don't know how to turn it off and it is raining.

I know it is early in the week, but can I have a do-over?

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September 6th, 2008

08:56 pm - This and that
After philosophy ate Genesis' brain today, I decided to catch up on some reading for Geo 150.  I did very well in getting a good chunk of the material out of the way, but will still be at it tomorrow.  We have a quiz coming up soon so I will have to learn a bunch of the terms as well. 

I do find it fascinating though as it covers climate change and if you know me, you know how much I really love that topic. I think Maxwell will have to take over the lab since I was really struggling with the hands on portion of the work.  I read and comprehend fairly well and do very well with note-taking, but Maxwell is the hands-on guy.

Tomorrow, I will be back at the homework (primarily Archaeology) and Genesis needs to write a first draft of that mini-essay before his online class.  I think he is starting to get somewhat annoyed with Socrates and this gives me a little bit of snarky glee...I don't know why.  Earlier today, Genesis was wishing that Socrates would just "drink the damn hemlock already!" ^___^

Tonight, our apartment was covered in Japanese words.  We have taped some japanese words to the walls in strategic locations.  The idea is that we will learn them if we are forced to use them.  So whenever we see the word, we have to say it - no matter whose out.  This could be fun.  ^_^

Also made a few hiragana flash cards.  Must practice more on those this weekend as well.

Let's see, what else is new...

Angora made us a workable schedule for dealing with the journaling services and keeping up with friends. This is what it looks like:

IJ - Read everyday (it is the bigger flist and therefore moves faster)/Reply to comments and journals Friday and Saturday unless we have a lot of time on our hands.
LJ - Read Mondays/ Reply Mondays
Inksome - Read Wednesday/Reply Wednesday
Scribbld - Read Thursday/Reply Thursday

Everyone here is doing very well, and there is nothing really pressing to report.  I don't want to bore everyone with studies that may only interest me.

I do miss you all, but please know that I am really having the time of my life!  ^_^
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September 2nd, 2008

01:17 pm - Feeling a bit under the weather and under pressure
I have just finished my GEO 150 class for the day, spoke with The Wers on the phone and had my apple lunch.  Over all the day is going very well, except for one thing.

I am feeling a bit under the weather.  The body has a bit of a stomach upset that could be due to the menstruation - or not.  Genesis was complaining of it yesterday and it stayed with us to appear this morning for me.  The reason that I don't think it is from menstruation (besides the fact that the monthly has been very good to us this month!) is because Genesis the Being sweated out our side of the bed by the middle of the night.  He actually woke up to use the bathroom and had to rinse off the sweat.  Soaking wet type of sweat.

And no, it wasn't from being under too many sheets as he had kicked all the sheets off sometime in the night and we had the air conditioning plus a fan on us.

But, I went to school anyway.

1. I enjoy my time here.
2. I love my classes so far.
3. If I missed the GEO 150 lecture, the previous reading would have made no sense whatsoever to me.  I was able to get some questions answered and things were put into perspective.

I was iffy this morning whether I would've stayed for the Archaeology class, but I have decided to stick it out.  I think I will be okay, but I am going to take it relatively easy this evening in case I am coming down with something.  I certainly don't want to get sick now.  I am on a roll and Japanese class is tomorrow.

As far as school is concerned, I am feeling a little pressure to get everything done in a timely manner.  Unfortunately, some of that is because we have an issue with reading comprehension.  Some of us are very slow readers and have to sometimes read a sentence to or three times to grasp the meaning.  Some of it is because the subject matter triggers mind wander and even though we are reading, we don't retain what we read very well.

If anyone that has been through college or University before can give us any structural study tips - I could probably use them.  We have three subjects split into four classes and I am also looking a joining a couple clubs that would be beneficial to the field I am eventually looking into. Time management may be an issue here.

Figure into the game our multiplicity and the fact that everyone wants time out for various other things plus housework, time with The Wers, and and....well you get the point.  I am sure it will get better as the term progresses, but we need to start developing some kind of routine. Any thoughts? (Thank you in advance!)

Oh, I will try to bring the camera with me on Thursday and take pictures of the campus!  

And now to get to some homework and reading while I am stuck in the library (yes, you know I like it) and free up the computer for someone else that needs it.  Archaeology begins at 2:30p!
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August 28th, 2008

12:44 pm - Spamming with school stuff today
 I left my first class about a half hour ago.  It was actually very interesting and I look forward to more of the lectures!  This professors is wonderful and animated - he vows to remember everyone's name by the sixth week of class, to which the ones shadowing me today had abit of an internal snicker.

After this class, I am not so intimidated by the labe work.  It sounds like it will be just as interesting and

We're starting to set up that GEO 150 team and I am certain to be on it!  (We talked about Climate Change today!!!) 

After class, I walked down by the river and sat to have my lunch.  I had packed up some veg and fruit to eat with a small muffin as a dessert.  Kristi...the river has a dam like device that produces a waterfall.  it was wonderful to listen to the water there as I ate.  And just for you, Kristi, I had a fly-by of some canadian geese - six of them.  And they flew so low, I could see all their underfeathers!

Can you all tell that I am having a fabulous day?  ^__^

The library is to die for!  i have never been in a library this big and I am loving it.  I don't think I will be able to explore this whole building in 14 weeks.  

Now, I am going to go transcribe my notes from Geo 150 so that they are legible and in some correct order, listen to the ipod and kill time on Philosophy until 2:30 pm.  Then it is off to Archaeology, which i am incredibly excited to get into!
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09:29 am - School
Currently I am in the library of University waiting for my first class to start at 11 am.

I really need to bring a camera with me and take some pictures. Even though the campus is in the middle of the downtown area, you would never think so.  There is the river running parallel with the buildings, scores of trees and all kinds of park-like areas to rest in.

It is so beautiful.

This library is three floors - so you all know that I am in heaven, right?  ^_^

It's raining right now - well, not so much raining as a light drizzle - but it is supposed to clear off later.  It did give me a chance to test my shiny new umbrella that Genesis and Angeal pick out for me.  ^_^

I really can't wait to get started in class. The first one is the Physical Geography.  When we were here for new students welcome day, I got a chance to find my classes and peek through the closed doors.  That class is in a huge lecture hall sort of like an auditorium and contains a large screen for a projector.  I am so curious about the syllabus and how the subject will be taught.

Archeaology will be our geek class, so you can say that several people are looking forward to that one. That's in a smaller room with just tables, but the room seemed well decorated and very cozy from what I saw on Tuesday.  

Hopefully, this weekend (based on what is taught today) I will be able to set the teams up so that we have set people for set subject and are able to shadow each other.  Today, I have a whole slew of people hanging out around the front waiting to see if they would even be interested in the subject matter.  We'll have to see how this goes.  ^_^

So, here I am at University.  Did you think I would even make it this far when I first talked about doing this?  Can you really believe that I am here?

And you know what?  I am having one of the times of my life.  ^_^

Hope you are all having a good day.  I will read you and comment tonight or tomorrow. ^_^ 
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August 27th, 2008

09:24 pm - My bag is all packed
I have all of my books and supplies in my book bag. I know what I am going to wear for tomorrow too.

All that's left is to make a lunch-like snack that I can eat between my classes, straighten the hair and attend class.

Where I will be tomorrow:

Physical Geography - from 11-12:15 pm
Archaeology - from 2:30-3:45 pm

I don't know if I will find a computer terminal between classes, I may opt for doing some homework, taking a nature walk or something instead.

So, think good thoughts for me tomorrow...especially that I don't get lost in the hallways!
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August 26th, 2008

05:54 pm - I hate money
And I hate anxiety and depression and spinning and feeling overwhelmed.  I hate it all.

I hate crying and don't understand why the body feels the need to do it.

We received a note from the office today about a water bill that we are behind on.  $85.  We paid it today.  Had to because the office will charge us another $75 plus court fees because it is a condition of our lease that we pay that bill.  So, it is now paid.

Good thing we picked up my student stipend check today.

And it was such a good day too - at least for a while.  Went to the New Students Welcome, received goodies from several clubs and organizations, won a manga from the Anime Club, found my classes, had a tour of the rec center and picked up the student id and such. 

Maybe when the body evens out with the emotions, I will make a happy post about the school.  Right now, I just feel defeated.

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