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Dagger [刺刀] ([info]diaochan) wrote in [info]animeaddme,
@ 2008-01-31 13:13:00

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I'm Mi-chan and I like anime! ^-^
Not only anime but Asian culture in general!

I'm a history nerd for both Ancient Chinese History and Ancient Japanese History(and Western history), as well as a fan of anime, jpop, JROCK, Asian cuisine and Asian fashion.
I'm a nerd for videogames as well(I like both Japanese games and American games. I'll play FF12 one week and get back into Splinter Cell the nest week.)

Also like Asian films such as the old-school karate flicks of the late 70s to now. I'm a geek for Chow Yun Fat(just gotta say it...) as well as a geek for GACKT(me wub him) and other idols like Ayumi Hamasaki, TommyFeburary 6 and Mika Nakashima.

...my gulity pleasure is MoMusu music...

I really love gothic lolita fashion(too much btw...) so I tend to spaz about that a bit much!

So that's that! Add me if willin'.

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2008-02-11 03:52 pm UTC (link)
Can we be friends? I appreciate Loli-fashion myself. Ahhh~ so you are a fan of All-Father Gackt-sama?

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2008-02-11 06:41 pm UTC (link)
Of course we can!
I love loli-fashion, more punk-loli, though.
Yes! Gackt is so handsome! Have you heard? He plays as Rurouni Kenshin now on a NHK drama!

He looks so wonderful!

Read about it here: http://gakuhai.livejournal.com/

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2008-02-12 06:06 am UTC (link)
Yay! Oh wow, I can imagine he must be real looker in RK.

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