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eimii ([info]eimii) wrote in [info]animeicons,
@ 2008-07-05 21:48:00

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Current mood: cold
Current music:COLTEMONIKHA - sleeping girl

Card Captor Sakura 3rd Opening
I think this batch came out better then the last one in some ways. maybe not. i love this opening a lot too. I'll probably be doing the 2nd one and maybe a few episodes. :D

Textless icons are not bases! credit [info]eimii or [info]confluence

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2013-07-01 12:24 pm UTC (link)
I came here to work preteens gallery sex (http://ltr450.theatvchannel.com/invision/index.php?showuser=402537) Warum hält der nicht einfach die Klappe ??

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