Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

September 16th, 2011

Parents Weekend 2011: Saturday @ 01:35 pm


Characters: Everyone!
Setting: All around Blue Ridge School, Saturday 9/17
Rating: NSFW just to be safe
Summary: The second day of Parents Weekend!

All of the clubs were out in full force, spreading over the various fields and class rooms with displays, pictures, and their latest projects. There was a constant rotation of clubs going around the quodpot field so relatives could check in to see what their kids were really up to while they were off at school.

There was plenty of faculty dispersed throughout the grounds, keeping an eye on the kids and always open for questions.
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Date: September 16th, 2011 02:59 pm (UTC)

8:00-10:00 Breakfast and Clubs

Buffet style breakfast in King’s Hall.
Art Club has displays in the art room
Outdoor Club has a table set up on the quodpot field
Gaming Club has a table set up on the quodpot field
Pride Club has a table set up on on the quodpot field
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Date: September 18th, 2011 03:51 pm (UTC)


That Hunter didn't really care about parents weekend was sort of a lie. She would sooner die than admit it, but every year it was sort of like digging the knife in a little deeper, a reminder that there was no chance in hell her parents would care enough to show up. She never expected them to, but she supposed she never really wrote them off either. Even if she was positive they would end up fighting even if they did come for the weekend, it would have been nice to see them way through the door for once. Her parents though, Hunter couldn't imagine them at Blue Ridge. They'd get themselves hexed in an hour with their big fat bigot mouths.

Every year was pretty much the same for her, and Mack who rarely saw Kate come around. Especially since Craig had died, it was unlikely that anyone would show up for her. Just another rotten little thing they had in common, but they made the best of it. Hunter woke up practically at the crack of dawn, deciding to go for a run after finding sick of lying in bed and staring up at the ceiling above her. On a class day, she'd never wake up so early, but today she felt unusually antsy, even for her.

Not even bothering to change out of her pajamas, the blonde just pulled her hair back loosely and put a pair of sunglasses and sneakers on. Running was one of the few things that kept her brain from scheming at a mile a minute. When she ran, she was actually sort of calm. She also had a tendency to get lost in time when it came to runs, and by the time that she noticed what time it actually was, it was nearly nine. She had been gone nearly three hours.

Her stomach, seeming to give a loud grumble in agreement, pretty much decided it for her. Heading off to King's Hall, where there was bound to be grub everywhere, Hunter wasn't no time in getting a couple of plates and stacking them high with everything in sight. Still dressed in her pjs, the blonde found Mack easily enough, one of the few people sitting by herself and not with any parents or siblings hovering around her.

Flopping into the seat across from her, after pulling it out loudly, Hunter immediately reached for the syrup and began to drench her humongous pile of pancakes. "Y'know what I think?" she asked, tossing her bacon onto the now dripping pancakes and then beginning to cut herself a big chunk. She didn't wait for Mack to answer. "I think the whole goddamn weekend is a real crock of shit.. right? What 'bout orphans? I mean, we ain't orphans, but we might as well be! If we was real orphans, I'd put up a protest, burn the library down," she went on, gesturing wildly with a fork that now held much more pancake than it looked capable of normally doing.

She had this tendency of starting up conversations with Mack that didn't totally make sense. As if she expected the other blonde to already understand where she was coming from, even if she barely explained herself. The worst part was, of course, that she often did understand. "Y'know what I mean right?" she asked again, before stuffing the pancake into her mouth and letting the syrup drip down her chin. "It's stupid!" she grunted, not really noticing anybody approaching their table from behind her.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 10:43 pm (UTC)


Mackenzie had waited to drag herself out of bed at the last possible moment, only throwing on what was closest to her before going to meet Kia. She had forgotten to tell Hunter that Kia had actually decided to keep them company this parents weekend. Her sister had insisted on showing up when she found out that Kate was once again going to be absent for another year. Mackenzie felt like it was a stupid, pointless weekend anyway, but she was touched that her sister cared enough about the two of them to show up.

After stopping by Hunter's room and determining that the other blonde was either gone or passed out still, she went to meet Kia at King Hall for breakfast. She had forgotten to tell the taller blonde that Kia was coming but she figured Hunter would seek her out when she needed to. She had just sat down with her food while Kia went to talk to an old friend when Hunter plopped down across from her. She didn't even bother responding when the other blonde opened her mouth, she knew Hunter well enough to know that the girl really hadn't been looking to converse with her so much as talk at her. She watched with slight disgust as Hunter drenched her food and waved it around. Her eyes followed the weighed down fork, silently wondering how soon it would give into the massive amount of pancakes it held.

"I'm eatin' what you're poopin' man," She replied finally, once the large wad of pancakes entered the girl's mouth and she was silenced. Mackenzie agreed completely with Hunter for the most part, they might as well have been orphans. At least it would make the fact that no one was showing up for them easier to swallow. Having parents that didn't care enough was worse than just not having parents at all. She snorted slightly as she watched the syrup drip down the girl's chin, not noticing that Kia had walked up behind Hunter and heard most of the conversation.

"Maybe I should just leave then,” Kia said from behind Hunter, crossing her arms and smirking. Mack looked up at her sister and grinned, excited to see Hunter’s reaction. “I wouldn’t wanna hang out with you if you thought it was stupid Hunt!"
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Date: September 19th, 2011 12:47 am (UTC)


Hunter had been in the process of cutting herself another huge portion of her pancakes, filling her mouth with a bite of oatmeal chased with orange juice in between. "You always do," she assured Mack, somewhat affectionately. Though it was probably hard to take her face seriously with that syrup still on her chin.

She had been chomping away on the next pancake and bacon bite, when she heard Kia behind her. Her eyes went wide and she spun in her chair, almost knocking it over as she jumped up and out of it. "Ya came!" she cried out, through a mouthful and with more enthusiasm than she normally liked to show when it came to mushy stuff. But this was different. She quickly gathered Kia into a crushing hug, squeezing her tight. "Jus' for yer sisters!"
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Date: September 16th, 2011 03:00 pm (UTC)

10:00-12:00 More Clubs!

Garden Club shows off the Greenhouse
Yearbook has a table set up on the quodpot field
Wizards Chess Club puts on a few exhibition matches in Quirank common room
Student Government has a table set up on the quodpot field
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Date: September 16th, 2011 03:00 pm (UTC)

12:00-2:00 Lunch and Clubs

Lunch in King’s Hall
Debate Club has a small informal debate set up on the quodpot field
Book Club has a table set up on the quodpot field
Events Committee has a table set up on the quodpot field
Honor Society has a table set up on the quodpot field
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Date: September 18th, 2011 05:03 pm (UTC)


The whole weekend had been a blur for Ella. What with the amount of clubs and electives the twins belonged to, together and seperately it was a wonder she had had time to sleep. After a quick lunch Ella, Jenny and their parents had ended up at Honor Society, bringing Maurey with them for a much needed walk.

Giving her pops a quick squeeze round the middle, she turned to Jenny and sighed. "I think I'm gonna drop dead by the end of all your clubs" she joked.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 05:56 pm (UTC)


Jenny was almost completely exhausted. She had been tired a lot this year already, but this weekend had ended up being a handful and a half. Between having to make an appearance for all of her electives and clubs, trying desperately to calculate out how much time she needed to spend at each one, she had also been trying to keep her eyes open and make sure that everyone was on their best behavior. No one was going to be messing with the parents this weekend while she was Head Girl.

She had been thrilled to see her parents, but hadn't nearly gotten enough time to spend with them yet. She was walking beside their mother, using her wand and checking off Honor Society from the notebook schedule in her hands. It was the last club she had to go to, before they would go to the exhibition games. She was sure she'd see Sera there, but she doubted they'd really get to talk. She hadn't really had a chance to speak a word to her girlfriend all weekend while her father was in town. She got along with the Donnellys well enough, but that was in their home, a controlled environment. She had noticed Sera hadn't shown up at the Pride Club table all day.

Looking up when Ella spoke, the other blonde smiled. "Sorry," she said rather unapologetically, "It's just going to the games after this though, right? And cheering isn't really a hard one!"

Turning to her mother, she looked up seriously. "You guys are coming, right?"
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Date: September 18th, 2011 08:49 pm (UTC)


"I'll go to bed at 11 PM tonight I swear it, Jen!" Ella said, fighting a yawn. "But we can't miss the game. You guys can't miss the game!" she added, rounding on her parents with Jenny and pouting.

Laughing, Ron held his hands up. "Chill out babies. No need to freak out you know we'll be there." He scratched his beard thoughtfully and looked at his wife. "What time was it again?"
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Date: September 19th, 2011 11:50 pm (UTC)

Sera [and her mother]

Sera didn't care what the rest of the school thought, parents weekend wasn't actually all that bad. She couldn't wait to show her mother how great she was doing and was especially excited to check out the club exhibits. It had been her mother who encouraged her to join so many in the first place and she couldn't wait to tell her all about them.

They had spent the earlier part of the day doing just that with Tater, Rath and their father following along as well. Mick, she thought was always quite funny at these sorts of things, continually misusing and combining magical words, "Quidpot" being one of his very favorites. As in, Sera and Tatum are either one of you two dating any of those nice quidpot boys?

Okay. So maybe it wasn't always funny. She had to avoid both the pride and cheerleading tables while he had been around, she just couldn't risk him hearing something. Sera was happy to have a bit of time alone with her mother once Tater and Rath took off after their father left where she could just be herself. She really wanted to get to the debate and honor society tables, two clubs Madeline as a teenager had too been involved.

Sera and her mother walked side by side, checking out the signs for various clubs as she passed by. Despite Sera's nearly impossible schedule already Madeline was still pointing out and suggesting clubs to her youngest. She knew her mother only meant well and so she just nodded, smiling at the clubs as she pointed to them and waving to people she knew. She knew college applications were important, Madeline was always reminding her after all but she really didn't think it was entirely necessary to join every single club in the school.

Sera was more than relieved when they reached the debate table and Madeline started to talk about Tatum instead. "Why doesn't your sister join any clubs like this?" Madeline piped up suddenly very interested in the debate going on next to the table set up. "These kids are excellent public speakers it seems." she nodded to her daughter, just turning her attention away for a second. "It really couldn't hurt Tatum to learn a thing or two in that department."
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Date: September 19th, 2011 11:51 pm (UTC)

Sera [and her mother]

The younger brunette was definitely glad to change the subject. "Tatum in debate club?" Sera asked kind of sceptically. "I don't really think it's her thing mom, it can get kind of heated at times, she probably couldn't handle it." Sera added rather matter of factly, even if Tatum could use to learn a thing or two about public speaking, debate was her thing.

Madeline turned back towards her daughter smiling, she was so mature for her age and whenever she looked at her she couldn't help thinking about how proud she was that Sera turned things so far around since Freshman year. She still wasn't completely convinced that Hunter hadn't, infact jinxed her or something. "Perhaps you're right, what other clubs do you think would interest your sister?" Madeline asked, moving her head all around to get a good look at the field. "I don't know why she isn't in honor society like you."

Sera smiled, looking over at her mother. "I don't why she isn't either." She agreed brightly, glancing over towards the honor society booth. "We should head over and check it out?" She gestered, pointing over in that direction. "There's something I wanted to show you anyway, a project Jenny and I have been working on for it. Extra Credit for Arithmancy and everything! She beamed. "And maybe you can talk to someone about letting Tatum join too while were there, I think my student advisor might even be there." Unlike a lot of other people she had no problem with her mom talking to any of the teachers or advisors, she knew that'd have nothing but good things to say. And messing with Tatum just made it even better.

Getting to the table Sera quickly picked up the first piece of parchment from hers and Jenny's project. The page and those under it were covered in numberious charts which looked nothing but complicated. Sera laid out all the papers next to one another taking up most of the table. She hoped no once else came along with any questions. "Check this out." Sera started with pointing to the first chart and continuing into a very long winded discussion of all of the other charts and pages upon pages of information. After nearly ten minutes she was still talking but Madeline stood listening intently to her everyword. Some of it seemed vaguely formular. She hadn't taken Arithmancy during her says as a student as well, but that was a long time ago now.

"Seraphim that's amazing work" Her mother quickly commended turning to her youngest daughter with a huge smile. "You two really put a lot of work into it didn't you?" She beamed again, picking up one of the papers and giving it another quick look over. "Really quite well done." She added. "I much prefer you with a girl like her you know? Someone smart and motivated, and did you tell me she just got head girl this year too?"

The brunette grabbed the papers scooping them back into a neat pile on the table, tapping it lightly once before laying it down. "We really did, it was a lot of hard work and we kept missing up our calculations at first but we figured it all out in the end." She turned too her mother grinning again, it wasn' t the first time she made a comment like this, she was never afraid to voice her opinions about Hunter, even when they were dating. "Me too. I really like her mom." She grinned, her face turning a little bit pink when she spoke Jenny. "It's nice being with someone whos focused and actually likes to study for a change.." Sera laughed, even though she knew it was the last thing she wanted to do two years ago, and it was barely Hunters fault at all. "Yeah she is!" Sera smiled brightly, showing just how proud she was of her girlfriend. "I'm hoping to get it myself next year. I think I stand a pretty good chance."
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Date: September 19th, 2011 11:51 pm (UTC)

Sera [and her mother]

Sera noticed her mother glance towards Cordelia Haines, the honor society advisor who had just finished speaking to another student. "Hey do mind if I run and find Jenny before dad get's back? I want to make sure I have a chance to say hi to Ron and Paula." She glanced down at her watch, it was a quarter to one. "I'll meet you by King's Hall at one. Dad and the twins should be there by then too." Added the youngest Donnelly before hurrying off. Looking back she could already see her mother starting up a conversation with Professor Haines. She'd probably be late for lunch, knowing her mother, that women could talk the ear off of anyone.
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Date: September 16th, 2011 03:02 pm (UTC)

2:00-4:00 Exhibition Games

All the quodpot teams, quidditch, and muggle sports are playing exhibition games
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Date: September 16th, 2011 03:02 pm (UTC)

4:00-6:00 The Rest of the Clubs

Cooking Club showcases some of their talents in University Kitchen
Newspaper has a table set up on the quodpot field
Dueling Club puts on some showcase duels
Movie Club has a table set up on the quodpot field
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Date: September 16th, 2011 03:03 pm (UTC)

6:00-8:30 Dinner in the Castle Part Deux

Tonight's dinner is served by the culinary students and the cooking club
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Date: September 20th, 2011 09:34 pm (UTC)

Tatum/Sera [&Family]

Dressed up to the nines in the outfit that her mother had chosen for her to wear to dinner, cross hanging from her necklace and all, Tatum pushed her food absently around her plate. She wasn't even really hungry anymore. Earlier in the day, when she had managed to sneak a few quick tokes from of a joint, she had been hungry. But that was ages again now, and it was hard to eat with the hall full of not only the entire student body but their families. Just the noise level of the chatter in the dining room was enough to start her on her way to a migraine.

"Did you hear me, young lady?" her father asked, causing her to jerk her head up and look blankly at him. "Huh?" she asked, fork still in hand. "I said food isn't for playing with, you're eighteen years old," Mick quickly repeated, scowling at her a little. Straightening up in her chair, Tatum took a bite of potatoes and managed a weak smile.

She really just couldn't wait to get parents weekend over with already. When they were at home, they almost never had a dinner together on a day that wasn't a holiday. It was really just sort of awkward, and all of the nit-picking was starting to grate on her last nerve. She had sat through all of those stupid exhibition games without a complaint, just so they could watch Sera cheering, and now they couldn't even let her eat in peace.
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Date: September 23rd, 2011 09:22 pm (UTC)

Tatum/Sera [&Family]

Sera was sitting across the table busily eating and discussing currents events with Madeline, she hadn't really been paying too much attention to what her sister was doing. When her father spoke, Sera's head jolted immediately up towards him, he sounded pretty serious. She looked over towards Tatum considering a remark about her table manners but decided against it. She actually felt pretty embarrassed for Tatum there were tons of people around and she wasn't exactly a kid.

Madeline looked up from her conversation with Sera at the same time. "Your father's right Tatum eat your potatoes. There are starving children all over the world who would love a meal like this." She looked over at he stepdaughter for a few seconds and then just picked up her fork and started eating again.

Sera reached her foot under the table and bumped Tatum's leg trying to get her attention.
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Date: September 16th, 2011 03:03 pm (UTC)

8:30-10:00 Alumni

All the parents and alumni get together to share a drink
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Date: September 16th, 2011 03:04 pm (UTC)

8:30-??? Uptown, Downtown, All Around

When the parents are away the kids will play
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Date: September 18th, 2011 04:54 pm (UTC)


Though it was only the first day, Alex already felt as if the weekend was going to last forever. It would have been just fine if only daddy had come to visit, but he just had to bring her mother.. between putting up with her disgusting presence, and keeping up the charade of perfection around uncle Markus and aunt Jada, it had been an exhausting day.

Hell, worst of all was that when Shenandoah had played in their exhibition game earlier, she had actually had to try. It was one of the reasons she tried to keep her father away from games if she could. Effort was something she hated to exert for something dumb like Quodpot, but he never would have been impressed with her usual slacker athlete attitude.

By the time eight came, it had felt like she had been entertaining for hours, and she couldn't have been happier to see everyone going their separate ways. Mother had gone off to bring Marcos back to his dorm, and then she was going to go and meet father with his fellow alumni for drinks. Dimitrius himself had already wandered away earlier on his own with some old friends from his Shenandoah team days, and Alex knew that had been her chance.

Slipping away gladly, the dark-haired girl didn't go too far from Shenandoah house before she ducked around a corner and grabbed her wand and cigarettes from her purse. Using a quick spell to ignite the end, she inhaled happily and then exhaled quietly through her nose. It had been killing her to not have a smoke the entire day, but daddy just wouldn't be pleased with that kind of behavior either.. proper little ladies didn't smoke.

Chuckling lightly, as she often did at the thought of herself as any kind of a proper young lady, Alex shook her head. "Fucking idiots," she breathed lowly, inhaling again and closing her eyes. Except for father, of course. He was the only one among the lot of them worth keeping, even if he did love that filthy muggle bitch that she was expected to call 'mom'. No matter, she would get hers in time. The thought brought another chuckle out of Alex.
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Date: September 18th, 2011 05:16 pm (UTC)


One day down, one to go. Today had been a lot less taxing than yesterday for Samir, not being tied to a table. He'd actually quite enjoyed all the free food the cheffy students were handing out but the Alumini drinks had been tedious at best. At least it was over now and tomorrow would be something very exciting. In fact, it was so exciting that Samir had to leave his room to stop from pacing, instead grabbing a pack of cigarettes and heading outside. He was near Shenandoah and wrapped up in his own thoughts so much that he didn't even notice a student until he was practically running her down.

Frowning a little he looked down at the girl. He'd enevr caught a student smoking before but considering his own lit cigarette dangling from his lips, he'd feel a little ridiculous handing out any punishments. "Sorry" he muttered, side stepping Alex a little and intending to head off.
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Date: September 19th, 2011 06:59 pm (UTC)


Tatum was extremely glad that another night of the weekend had ended. She was more than glad to see her father and step-mother off for another evening, watching their taillights until she couldn't see them anymore, and then parting ways with her siblings. Just Sunday to go, and then she would be free for another year or so. Plus most of the boring stupid bullshit had already happened in the first few days, and aside from her dad's lecture about appropriate music, it hadn't been so bad.

Still dressed in the outfit that her step-mom had picked out for her to wear to dinner earlier, the redhead only rolled a quick joint in her room before ducking back out of the University house and back outside. The campus was surprisingly dead, with most of the parents either gone already or at the alumni meet-and-greet that they had going on. Either way, the quiet was nice.

Wandering over to one of her old favorite spots, sort of behind Shawnee's dorms, the redhead made sure she was alone before ducking her head and lighting up. She inhaled deeply, cherishing it. She hadn't had a single joint since before breakfast earlier. It was never easy to get stoned with her parents following her every move.
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Date: September 19th, 2011 07:23 pm (UTC)


"Are you wearing a skirt" Eden said, a hint of disgust in her voice as she seemingly stepped out of the darkness. Parents weekend was usually a blast for her on account of not actually having parents. Her cousin Toni would come along though and try to bag herself a nice, rich daddy, which was exactly what she was doing at the alumni party right now, leaving Eden with an eighth of weed to keep her happy.

"I know I only met you once before but those legs look like they last saw daylight twenty years ago" she joked.
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Date: September 20th, 2011 12:21 am (UTC)


Sera waved goodbye to her parents from the parking lot as they headed in town for the night. They were staying with a friend Madeline knew through work and decided to skip the drinks since either of them were alumni and they were feeling pretty tired.

She was actually pretty relieved to see them go for the night. She'd had less than then minutes to see Jenny all day and she'd spent that mainly just catching up with the Parry's. Turning to head back into Quirank house as soon as she saw them vanish off into the distance. She headed back to her room only just to quickly change into something more comfortable than a pencil skirt for just hanging out. She also couldn't wait to take off that stupid cross she had to wear around her father.

Arriving at Jenny's door, she knocked twice and pushed it open. Jenny was sitting inside and Sera smiled when she looked up at her. "Oh my god I thought this day was never going to end I was going crazy not talking to you and there was a couple close calls too, almost thought I'd have to wipe dad's memory out a few times." She laughed, leaning into Jenny and giving her a big kiss on the forehead. "So what was your day like babe, anything exciting happen?" She asked flopping down on Jenny's bed.
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Date: September 20th, 2011 09:18 am (UTC)


Ron and Paula had left just a little while ago as well, also choosing to skip the alumni drinks due to their lack of alumni status. Jenny was a little sad to see them go, it was always hard to leave them behind even at seventeen, but she knew they'd be back in the morning. Besides that, she really was exhausted. Between splitting her time between all of her clubs, cheering at the exhibition games, and keeping a mother-hen Head Girl on everything, it was exhausting.

It was only nine, and she had already been drifting off as she lay on top of her bed covers, book open on her chest. Sera's knocking disturbed her and the blonde jolted up, sniling lazily as her girlfriend let herself into her room and began to talk at a mile a minute. Her sleep addled brain tried to keep up, but eventually gave up.

"Wait, what about your dad?" Jenny mumbled, shifting around on the bed as Sera flopped down. She wasted no time in snuggling up and practically attaching herself to the taller girl's side. "I had fun.. well, mostly fun. We missed you at some of the tables earlier.."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry