Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

December 19th, 2011


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Date: December 25th, 2011 09:39 pm (UTC)

Text to Sera

Of course. Sim is still here... um I'll let you know when he leaves and we can just talk this out. We'll figure it out Ser.

I'm sorry this is happening, you panicked. I've been there. We'll talk this out.
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Date: December 26th, 2011 01:19 am (UTC)

Text to Meka

Okay thanks. Don't like rush him out on my behalf or anything though. I don't want to ruin your guys Christmas together too.

Sorry I always rip on him and stuff too btw.. Hunter just always said he was a dirtball, it kind of stuck with me.
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Date: December 26th, 2011 01:44 am (UTC)

Text to Sera

Don't worry about it. He certainly doesnt make it easy. I'll see you soon though. <3

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry