Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

December 24th, 2011

(no subject) @ 10:57 pm

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Date: December 25th, 2011 02:02 am (UTC)
Michi had been worried that she would feel like she was imposing on Mack's family the entire time she was there. Fortunately though, she felt entirely welcome, from being called baby mama to the Cowboys bed sheets she was sharing with Hunter. It had been nice, nicer than any Christmas she had spent with her mother and step dad. There was no mandatory dressing up, no pressure, no fighting. She had been able to stay in her pajamas all day and just relax for once. It was easier when there weren't a thousand eyes on her.

She missed Yori though. She had been able to sneak around at school and visit him when she got a minute. They had exchanged gifts on campus the night before they left school but it wasn't the same to have him there. What was worse, she felt bad for not being there for him, no suffering through with him. She was torn and trying not to linger on the guilt and her missing Yori when Hunter's head landed in her lap.

Michi smiled at the older girl and brought her lips to Hunter's gently. "Yeah," she said gently, letting her fingers run through Hunter's blonde hair. "You make the best turkey I ever had," she grinned. "Real pants is overrated anyways."
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Date: December 25th, 2011 02:28 am (UTC)
"Nobody knows how to make it better'n I do," Hunter agreed happily. "One of the only things that my ma ever taught me really was cookin' good food.. y'all are in for a hell of a life, eatin' my food every night. I ain't so bad. Jus' better on the grill," the blonde boasted, tilting her head a bit as the younger girl played with her hair, making her close her eyes. She felt incredibly relaxed, like there was no place else she would rather be. Which, really, there wasn't.

"Seriously though," she went on, after a minute of just relaxing silently, "Yer havin' a good Christmas?"
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Date: December 25th, 2011 02:38 am (UTC)
"A hell of a life," she repeated quietly, happily. "I'm sure we'll make do with yer cookin'. I think Monkey likes spicy food an' all. Barbecue sauce," she grinned. "I think only useful thing my ma taught me was cookin' too though I only got to learn Japanese cookin'. She says Southern cookin' is a travesty to man," she snorted. "I love it."

"Honest, it's been the most relaxed I been in a long while," she sighed gently. "I miss Yori an' all but I don't wanna be with no one else 'cept you," her stomach got all butterflies when she said it as well, making her grin that goofy grin.
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Date: December 25th, 2011 03:14 am (UTC)
"She can jus' go to hell, who the fuck don't like Southern food? That woman is out of her goddamn mind," she scoffed loudly, scrunching up her face in disgust. "I dunno what she eats," the blonde muttered, shaking her head.

When she heard the other girl was having a good Christmas, it immediately set her at ease. She scooched a little closer, snuggling her face against Michi's belly a bit. "Good," she agreed. "Me neither, everybody I wanna be with is right here in this house anyhow," she added, pulling back just a little to look up at her girlfriend. "If ya wanna go an' see him though, we'll go and do it, yer mom can kiss my ass."
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Date: December 25th, 2011 03:19 am (UTC)
She smiled, laughing a bit when Hunter went off about Southern cooking. "I got lucky 'nough to grow up here and know that Southern cookin' really is where it's at."

Yori really was the only person missing for her. She had everyone else she needed right there with her. "I wish we could just snatch him up an' take him fer good. I know that's jus'... it would never happen but he deserves a better life than the one he's gettin'," she said softly. "Maybe we can sneak over and see him though," she shrugged lightly.
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Date: December 25th, 2011 03:28 am (UTC)
"Southern cookin' should be the only kinda cookin' there is," she half-joked back.

Sighing lightly, she let her head rest most heavily in the other girl's lap as she turned on her other side. "I wish we could too, would if we could.. but in a few years, he'll get a choice I think. Ain't it fifteen or sixteen? I think you can go where y'all want, long as you got a legal adult willin' to take ya? There's some kinda law 'bout that shit.. we'll be 'round when it comes," the blonde mused slowly, chewing her bottom lip briefly. "You wanna sneak over there though, girl, say the word. I'll put some pants on!"
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Date: December 25th, 2011 03:41 am (UTC)
"We'd be well off I think," Michi joked back.

"When we get our shit together..." she said quietly. "You really mean it... like... we can take him if he wants to come with us?" she asked hopefully. Not that they really had anywhere to go. They had their dorm rooms but that wasn't enough space for a twelve year old. "I mean there might be family court and shit but... it'd be worth it," she mumbled slightly, her eyes growing a little distant. She was trying not to think about the shit that was coming their way.

"I think maybe we should," she said. "But not right now," she closed her eyes and smiled. "I jus'... I need this time with you. You calm me down right good. This is the most at peace I felt in a long time."
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Date: December 25th, 2011 03:54 am (UTC)
"Course I mean it," the blonde replied quickly, nodding her head. "I wouldn't go an' bring somethin' like that up if I wasn't bein'.. y'know, serious about it an' stuff. He wants to come, we'll do whatever we gotta do. I'll be a real respectable auror and shit, y'know. Might work in our favor. I'll pull some strings," she grinned.

She knew it probably wouldn't be that easy, maybe, but she would do whatever needed to be done as much as she could. She knew they had only managed to find a way to slip by the court and drama with Monkey by luck of her having a good idea for once, but even that might have been kaput without Sera. She could have asked Michi to brew the potion for her, but getting her involved had been out of the question for Hunter. If they got caught, she needed to be able to take the blame. They were lucky to have good friends, but it wouldn't always stop things from getting in their way. Fighting for Yori might turn out to be a shitshow, but she was ready for that.

Grinning wider up at her girlfriend, Hunter nodded again. "Sounds good to me.. I'm right tired out from playin' that game, it's worse than playin' real sports. I'm all achey and sore.. shit, makes me feel old," she laughed. "How you feel 'bout datin' a cougar?" she joked.
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Date: December 25th, 2011 04:03 am (UTC)
"I know you wouldn't be brinin' it up all willy-nilly," she had to wipe a tear from the crease of her eye and sniffled. "Sorry boo, you know all them pregnancy hormones got me acting crazy," she laughed lightly. It really did mean a lot to know that she wasn't alone, that they would fight for Yori together. "We'll have our boys," she smiled, putting her hand on her belly. "Aint no one gonna take that away from us."

It was going to be a tough but they could't just leave him there. They needed to fight for him and he would fight for himself just as hard. They would be fine in the end, she just know they would be fine in the end.

Michi laughed again, glad not to linger on other things, possible custody battles. "I always liked my women a little older," she teased. "Cougars is always real nice," she winked.
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Date: December 25th, 2011 05:56 pm (UTC)
"Damn right we will," Hunter agreed, smiling up at the younger girl. "Especially if yer hormonal.. I don't envy the motherfuckers who try to get in yer way," she grinned.

Grinning even wider at her girlfriend's teasing, she turned over to nuzzling her cheek against Michi's belly again. "I knew it, y'all only want me 'cos I'm so damn old," she laughed. "That and my outstandingly fine ass."
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Date: December 26th, 2011 03:02 am (UTC)
Michi snorted and nodded her head. "You're right about that. No one needs to get in the way of a momma bear," she grinned. She took a minute, thinking thoughtfully before she spoke. "It's right bein' with you an' all."

It was too sweet when Hunter snuggled against her belly, she even blushed a little. She laughed. "Yes. It's definitely the cougarness and the fine ass," she snorted and shook her head. "It's also that awful sweetness," she said poking Hunter's nose.
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Date: December 27th, 2011 11:22 pm (UTC)
"Hey now, don't go an' be silly!" Hunter protested quickly, sticking out her tongue automatically as her nose was poked. "I ain't sweet, I'm the meanest bitch around here!"

She scooted around again, trying once more to get comfortable. She was a definite squirmer. "Can't mess with a momma bear though, then y'all definitely don't wanna mess with the poppa bear. We tear motherfuckers apart."
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Date: December 30th, 2011 04:20 pm (UTC)
Michi laughed brightly and brushed her fingers down Hunter's cheek. "Yeah, real mean bitch 'til y'all think about bein' a pops. Then ya melt right up like butter," Michi teased.

"You'll definitely be the best poppa bear though. No one's gonna fuck with us," she grinned. "Even Monkey's gonna be a little bad ass baby bear."
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Date: January 8th, 2012 08:09 pm (UTC)
"Shh, that's the damn secret part! Nobody gotta know 'bout the butter part.. makes me want some butter though," the older girl laughed.

Hunter nodded her head firmly, grinning right back. "No one's ever gonna fuck with us and they sure as shit won't be messin' with our baby boy.. he'll be bustin' heads on the playground. My li'l ass-kicker!"
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Date: January 8th, 2012 10:50 pm (UTC)
"I'll fry ya up some tasty treats in a bit," she promised. "Monkey's got a cravin' for something sweet and fried. I think I saw some oreos," she grinned. "Just batter em up and the fry the shit outta them suckers," she smiled contentedly.

It made her smile to hear Hunter refer to Monkey as their baby boy. She was right, he was theirs and no one elses, no one had the right to fuck with him. "Bustin' heads and breakin' hearts," she smiled.
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Date: January 9th, 2012 05:53 pm (UTC)
"Baby, y'all are speakin' my language now," Hunter grinned widely. "I always got a damn cravin' for something sweet and fried! I'm goin' out and buyin' some damn Mars bars," she insisted.

Still grinning back, she leaned over and brushed her nose against Michi's briefly. "Jus' like the old man here, right?" she chuckled.
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Date: January 9th, 2012 11:41 pm (UTC)
"Oh hell yes," she said. "I never had good, fried food 'til I met you baby," she pressed a little kiss to Hunter's temple. "Now I'm hankerin' for treats," she giggled.

"So long as he doesn't end up knockin' up a girl before the time's right," she laughed. Sure it was her very own situation but she wouldn't want it for anyone else.
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Date: January 10th, 2012 12:06 am (UTC)
"I am a real.. what's the damn word, some French shit, uhh.. a real connoisseur of the fried foods. Not to mention the grill," Hunter replied, relaxing back more comfortably, stretching herself out a bit.

"No way," she assured the younger girl, her face going suddenly serious. "Two wrongs don't make no right, jus' cause we went through it don't give him no get out of jail free card."
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Date: January 11th, 2012 02:30 am (UTC)
"Oh hell yeah, a connoisseur of fried food and beer," Michi teased. "I adore you my pit master," she grinned.

"Exactly. We're gonna bring him up right though. He'll know better," she smiled contentedly, closing her eyes. "Both our boys will know better. Monkey and Yor."
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Date: January 23rd, 2012 06:39 pm (UTC)
"There ain't nobody y'all know who can grill like I grill," she grinned back happily, "I'm basically a class act.. at least in the south, right?"

Smiling a bit, she pressed her lips briefly to the other girl's forehead as she closed her eyes. "Both of 'em.. y'think Yori still wants to play Quodpot? We'll have to teach 'em the moves."

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Date: January 23rd, 2012 11:22 pm (UTC)
"Hell fuckin' yeah. And don't no place else matter," she grinned. "You're better'n some health nut Yank," she poked the other girl in the side gently. At Hunter's kiss, she closed her eyes contentedly.

"Yeah he does," Michi nodded. "He wrote me a little note the other day, left it under my door 'fore he went back to New Orleans for Christmas," she didn't dare say home, it wasn't any home to her anyways. "He was talkin' bout how he wanted to play with us sometime and start practicin' fer house teams. He wants to be the Roanoke captain jus' like you was," she grinned.
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Date: January 23rd, 2012 11:53 pm (UTC)
"I'm better than any Yank!" Hunter replied firmly, laughing. "I still can't believe Mack is hookin' up with one, sullying our good southern roots.. guess she came up from that way 'fore she came to Texas though. Can't fight where ya were born. She just wanted a borin' northern girl.. not for me, lemme tell ya!"

When Michi told her about Yori, the older girl's face lit up a little, a proud smirk quickly covering her face. "Oh yeah? Well then, we definitely gotta teach 'em! I'll show 'em how to do a good feint, 'cause y'know Mack won't be able to teach 'em.. don't know up from down, that girl."
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Date: January 24th, 2012 01:56 am (UTC)
"That's true, can't help be born where you is born but ya can adapt to yer new environment like Mack did. She's a Southern girl through and through now," she grinned. "I think Mack is makin' a special exception for this one," she grinned. "They're real sweet together, don't go tellin' her I said nothin' though. But personally... my tastes lay in the South."

"We should! I bet I can steal him away for a few days when we get back on campus," she nodded. "Sneak in a few play dates. I'm gonna make him wear a damn helmet though," she laughed. "I can't be lettin' my lil' man up on a broom with you two maniacs without a helmet," she giggled.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry